What Does Gold Mean?

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A little after eight O'clock I found myself sneaking away from Harry and Ron so that I could meet up with Fred and George

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A little after eight O'clock I found myself sneaking away from Harry and Ron so that I could meet up with Fred and George. Once I got to their bedroom door, I quietly cracked it open and snuck inside. Most of the family was starting to settle down for bed so I didn't want to wake them. Also, the way that George was acting at dinner, I assumed this was supposed to be a secret of some sort. I shut the door, hearing the small click as it latched itself shut.

"You're late." I turned to see both the boys sitting on their beds.

"Yeah, sorry. Harry and Ron wouldn't let me leave.."

"Excuses." They both said in unison as they smirked at me. I rolled my eyes as I put my hands on my hips. I felt uncomfortable just standing in front of the two of them. They both just stared at me with smiles like I was on display or something.

"I didn't have to come at all. What is it you two wanted?" I crossed my arms as I shifted my weight over to one foot. I couldn't tell which was which quite yet, but one of them walked over to me, handing me a small cup. His face grew pink as his fingers grazed mine and that's when I knew it was Fred. I smirked as I looked at him, holding the tiny cup in my hands.

"What is this?" I asked, more confused than I was before.

"We have noticed you have been really tense lately. So we figured-"

"We'd treat you to some giggle juice!" George finished Fred's sentence as he pulled a whole bottle of the wicked drink from behind his back. I've only ever drunk giggle juice once before and it was one of the funniest times I have ever had. The drink basically just makes anyone who ingests it, laugh at everything. I guess you could say it resembles whiskey, except it has no awful effects. I grinned as George patted the spot beside him, offering me to take a seat. George pored each of us a glass as I attempted to make myself more comfortable. This was sweet what they were doing. I really do have the greatest friends,

"To making (Y/n) feel better," Fred said as we raised our glasses together. I was just about to swig the liquid when I stopped myself.

"Promise this isn't a trick?"

"Promise!" They both said as they kicked back their drinks. I followed their lead as we all began laughing hysterically. The twins began dancing around with each other making me laugh harder than I was before. George reached his hand down to me, pulling me into their swing dancing motions as they tried their best to sing a tune.

"You guys are making my ears bleed." I giggled as I lifted a pillow, swinging it as Fred's face. That's what started a full our war. All three of us began swinging Pillows at one another. Somehow, it ended up with George and I tag-teaming Fred. We took a few more sips of our drink before letting the pillow fight die. I was out of breath and didn't think I couldn't handle any more whacks to my face.

"(Y/n)!- You're- your hair!!" George pointed at me as he laughed through his words. Fred was laughing too, but instead of pointing he reached over and fixed my hair. I giggled as I watched his freckled cheeks heat up.

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