Weasley's Wizard Wheezes

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It being the weekend, Hermione and I left the school around a quarter till noon

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It being the weekend, Hermione and I left the school around a quarter till noon. We had taken a trolly to Diagon Alley. One of the only villages around that is solely known to the wizarding world. We walked around for a while, looking at all sorts of stores. We had passed by the three broomsticks, Honeydukes, the Leaky Cauldron and tons of other shops that were nestled in between. Though for some apparent reason, we couldn't find a place that sold any formal attire.

"This isn't turning out so great is it?" Mione whined. She huffed as she spun around, desperately looking for a clothing store.
"Oh cheer up, will figure something out."
"Why are you always so positive all the time?" She huffed as she continued her search. I followed closely behind her. By now we would take our chances anywhere. We where just about ready to head into an antique shop when an idea came to mind.

"Do you think Weasley's Wizard Wheezes is open on Sunday's?" I asked. Hermione gave me a knowing look before we both started booking it through the crowded street. Running towards the small store that Ronald's brothers had made their own. When we walked into the door, there were a few kids of all ages, even some magical folk that look older than us. Most of the children were bouncing around, checking out all the new tricks and Gadgets the Weasley twins have made. While the older wizards looked like they where searching for something there child may have gotten ahold of. One of the older males that was taking his time wobbling through the store had fluorescent green hair, he looked exhausted. Probably had a rough day with out the Mrs. I had to stifle a laugh, I made sure not to look at him for the remainder of the time I was here. Out of my surprise, I saw a small paper bird gliding its way over to us, circling Hermione's head twice before landing on my own.

"What brings you, two lovely ladies, here today?" One of them said as they both walked over to us. I grabbed the bird muttered a quick spell. I let it go. It flapped it's wings, hovering around the two like it was a humming bird. Little red hearts floated around it. The witches way of blowing a kiss. I remember how important it was to receive one from a boy in first year. Now it's not so serious, just a cute enchantment I do when I see the opportunity. Hermione rolled her eyes at me. She hated when I tried grabbing there attention, but I couldn't help it. These two crack me up and I like being able to make Fredrick's ears turn red when ever I can. It's the only way I can tell the difference between the two.

"Actually, I was wondering if you guys would know where we could get... um- dresses from?" I shied away from my sentence, seeing how this may have been a weird question to ask, especially these two. Even though they have been out of Hogwarts for two years now, they never seem to have matured, they are still exactly the same, just now with hair on their chins.

"Ahh, Why dresses?" George asked. Even though on the shoulder of his navy blue vest his metallic name tag read 'Fred'. He wasn't the one who blushed earlier. Knowing them, they probably switched their tags before starting their shifts.

"Hogwarts is holding a ball this year," Hermione spoke up, holding her chin a bit higher than she normally does. I could tell she was preparing herself to retort back at them if they tried to play any foolishness past us.

"Right! And you came to invite us? Of course, will be your dates!" One of the twins wrapped their thins arm around my neck as the other wrapped theirs around Hermione's. She instantly pulled away.

"No, that is not why we're here. We just can find any dress shops around here. We were hoping you'd help." She was now looking at the three of us. I felt the twins grip tighten on my sleeve ever so slightly, preparing for me to pull away. I grabbed his hand and lifted it over my head, as I twisted in front of him I read the silver rectangle 'George'.

"Only 5th to 7th years are allowed, I'm afraid you're too old....Fred." I smirked as I tapped his name tag, causing his cheeks to flare a bright crimson.

"How did you-" They both said in unison, but I cut them off.

"Do not play me as a fool, Weasley's. Now can you please help us out." I smiled as they both looked at me aghast.

"There's a dress shop just down the street and to the left." The real George pointed, giving us directions.

"We were just there! We would have saw it!" Hermione gasped, obviously annoyed with the two.

"It's there, I swear on my mum! Unless you just want us to come with?" George wiggled his eyebrows curiously at the two of us.

"I wouldn't mind you two modeling for us." Fred winked in my direction. I laughed a bit as Hermione glared at them. She grabbed ahold of my hand and dragged me out of the store. We started walking towards the direction they pointed us to.

"Honestly (Y/n), Why do you indulge them?"

"Oh calm down. It's not like they were serious." I giggled.

"You don't know that.... Anyways, it's bad enough that Ronald's brother already asked me to the dance before he did.." Her words made me pause for a moment. They wanted us to take them to the dance... Which means, I may need to bring a date to the ball. I don't think my teacher is going to qualify for this for this task... Oh no. How did this slip my mind?

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's just this date, thing."

"What? You have nothing to worry about, half the boy's in the school would love to go with you!" I rolled my eyes at this. I don't like thinking that way about myself, but from my past experiences of attending Hogwarts, her statement had rung true. Almost every year since the second, I had several boys ask me out. Of course, I turned down all of them. Well, accept Blaise Zabini. In my fourth year at Hogwarts, I agreed to accompany him to Hogsmeade for the day. It ended with me rejecting him, I wasn't rude, I just didn't see him in that kind of way. Because of that day, Blaise sent the Malfoy posse after me, which ended up lasting for the next two years. There was also that incident with Draco and Harry as well this year, and if I am counting all the boys that have made a pass at me recently, I'd have to include William, Fred and... Severus as well. I guess I didn't quite understand why they took interest in me. I didn't think I stood out from the crowd that much. There really wasn't anything special about me.

"That's the problem, Hermione...."

"Oh my, what a problem!" She gasped sarcastically as we both began laughing.

"Really!, I'd much rather attend by myself." We rounded the corner and sure enough, there was a small clothing store. It had a vast variety of dresses hanging in the window. How did we miss this? We had walked right by it...

"Hogwash! You will have a date!" We walked into the store, heading straight towards the back where the lot of the dresses were being stored. The carpet was a faded green but the walls looked as if they had just been painted bubblegum pink. How ghastly... Besides the dresses looking gorgeous, this place looked revolting. We both began pushing our way through the dresses. Oddly enough, no one was here besides the front desk lady, but even she looked like she was gone. She looked as though she had embodied her soul into the book she was currently reading.

 She looked as though she had embodied her soul into the book she was currently reading

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