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The next morning I had snuck out of Severus quarters while he was still sleeping

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The next morning I had snuck out of Severus quarters while he was still sleeping. I felt guilty not waking him, but I'm sure he would understand when I spoke to him later. I just needed some time to think to myself. There was a lot on my mind and I needed some time to process it all on my own. I ended up spending half of the day alone, not really meaning to but I hadn't ran into to anyone. At least not yet.

I haven't seen Snape since this morning and I probably should make an effort to go talk to him. I figure I'll keep my eyes peeled for his dark features, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to talk yet. Though, I don't want him to think I'm avoiding him. Am I avoiding him? No. Wanting some time to yourself is completely natural. He'll understand, he always does.

Besides, I think I have accepted the fact that our relationship isn't going to last. I mean, it's not often that you end up spending the rest of your life with your first love anyway. Most people go through a heartbreak once in their lifetime. Sometime's several... I guess I'll just be another name added onto that list. Either way, Severus and I can make it easier on each other. It shouldn't be as bad... right? At least I know he cares for me. Or will that just make it even harder to leave?

Currently, I was taking a stroll outside walking along the stone paths when I saw a mess of blonde hair in my vision. It was Draco. When his eyes caught me, he started running in my direction. He looked rather frantic but relieved at the same time. A smile immediately formed on my face.

"You okay there blondie?" I laughed as his jogging halted in front of me, he was slightly panting with his hands resting on his hips. He doubled over, lifting his finger in the air, suggesting me to wait a moment. I couldn't help but laugh at him. He is simply too much sometimes.

"I was looking for you all morning. How'd your date go last night?" He now stood up straight as he was finally done be over dramatic. I couldn't wipe the grin off my face as I stared at him. Leave it to Malfoy to be the only person in the world who can cheer me up in a time like this.

"Not so great actually." I laughed as I watched his eyes light up in interest. He started walking beside me, matching my slow unsure steps around the school.

"Really?" His tone was cheerful as if he was hoping it didn't turn out well. I know he wasn't the greatest fan of the Weasley's, but I didn't think his father's feud with them would have warped his opinion to be so dense. I gasped dramatically as I slapped my hands onto my chest.

"You wanted it to fail?" Draco grinned at my words as I rolled my eyes at him with a playful manner.

"No. I just want you to be happy, and I don't think a Weasley is capable of handling a girl like you." I raised my eyebrows at his words. Did he just insult both Fred and I? This boy better be ready to get burned if he thinks he can roast me like that.

"A girl like me? What's that supposed to mean?" I couldn't hide the smirk on my face as I studied him. He was grinning as if he had won the World Cup. I didn't understand why he was so cheerful and I didn't spot his scarlet scarf anywhere on him. I would be lying if I said he wasn't intriguing me.

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