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Harry and I danced away, I kept stepping on his toes and losing my balance as we went along

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Harry and I danced away, I kept stepping on his toes and losing my balance as we went along. I fell against his chest actually quite a lot. Though it didn't seem to bother him, he actually looked as if he was enjoying it.

"Ms. (L/n). You must keep your back straight, your elbow is to high up, and stop looking at your feet!" I swallowed as I followed her instructions. Even though I tried to correct myself,  I kept stepping on Harry's toes. We did a few more eight counts before the class ended.

"I'm sorry Harry.." I apologized, embarrassed about the torcher I just put him through.

"You're okay (N/n)" He chuckled a bit as he pulled away from me.

"Ms. (L/n). I'm afraid I'll have to ask you to stay and wait for Professor Snape. Hopefully, he'll be able to make a decent dancer out of you." Mrs. McGonagall walked away, leaving Harry and me to stand alone awkwardly. He reached his hand up, itching one of his ears.

"Well, I'll see you tomorrow then. Good luck." I smiled as he spoke. Then he just walked away. The silver chain glowed green, he was nervous. 'About the dance?' I wondered. Before I had time to walk to the side of the room I heard the patting of furious footsteps against the stone floor.

"What do you think you are doing?" Hermione folded her arms, she was scolding me. I lifted both my hands to my shoulders, mentally throwing a white flag.

"I'm innocent!" I laughed but her composure still remained serious.

"I told you not to be stupid!"

"Can't you just think for a moment I may actually need help with this." When my voice fell, I could see she was pondering my words.

"Just- Uh, be good!" She pointed a finger at me. She was irritated with me, that was quite clear. All the students had cleared out, leaving just myself and Neville Longbottom. My heart sank, I was hoping it would be just me. Both Neville and I sat down, putting great distance between the two of us. The creaking of the door brought both of our attention to Professor Snape who just made his way into the room

"Get up, both of you." He flicked his wand, playing the song that had been repeating for about an hour now. He shoved us together, making us go through several eight counts. He kept pointing out my flawed stepping, my elbows and how my chin and back weren't positioned right. I kept stepping on Neville's feet and I could tell he was getting annoyed by it. Surprisingly, Neville was actually doing a great job.

"Sorry about the other day Neville.." I whispered, knowing he had witnessed Harry's display of affection this morning. It was awkward dancing with him, knowing he had just asked me the same question moments before Harry. He brushed off my words and I could feel my ears burn with remorse. The song stopped abruptly.

"Longbottom, why are you here?" Snape's voice lashed out. Neville looked to the ground, studying the Professor's shoes.

"I-I Um, J-just want to extra.. P-practice." Neville had a hard time getting the words to leave his mouth.

"Leave, you are wasting my time." With just that simple command, Neville left, his head hung low.

"Your dancing is dreadful. Do and eight counts." He flicked his wand letting the music surround the room once again. I lifted my hands like I was dancing with an imaginary person and began to waltz through the steps.

"Back straight." I felt the side of his wand press into my lower back. Without thinking I stood taller than before.

"Arm here." He grabbed my wrist, lifting it higher into the air.

"Head up." Again, he placed his wand under my chin, lifting my eyes away from my feet.

"Good. Now come here." He stated. Grabbing my hands, leading one into his own and the other to his shoulder. I felt his hand hold my lower waist, his touch was much lower than both Harry and Neville's. We held eye contact as we waltz around the room. It felt as though I was gliding on air. I didn't step on his toes once, and I made sure my posture was just how he had positioned me before. As we danced around the room his expression soften as he looked down at me.

"Why are you here (Y/n)?" His voice was soft, he wasn't trying to scare me off. He lead me around the room, dancing to the melody of the music.

"I needed to get your attention... All my other attempts had failed." I didn't smile, I was serious at this moment. I needed to know why he was ignoring me.

"You have my attention." He spun me away from him, only to bring me back into his arms, closer this time.

"Why have you been ignoring me?" I asked staring at his chest, not daring to meet his eyes.

"I haven't." He stated. My brows furrowed.

"You haven't even looked at me." I retorted, still in his grasp.

"I have, you just haven't noticed." We were silent as we spun to the melody that was slowly fading. When the music finally came to an end, we both took a single step away from one another. It was silent for a moment.

"So Harry, huh?" Hearing Severus speak Harry's name took me by surprise.

"Yeah, well. He was the only one to ask soo.." I lied, this conversation just took an awkward turn.

"Why are you lying to me?" He asked, his eyes squinting as a broad smile filled his cheeks.

"What are you talking about?" After I spoke, he paced before me, counting on his fingers.

"Neville, Draco, Cedrick, Dean, Justin, William... Should I continue?" I was confused at why he was listing names. Then I realized he was listing off the guy's who had offered to take me to the ball. I shook my head at his question.

"Why Harry?" Severus asked again. I brought my fingers to the ends of my hair, nervous now, knowing that he had been watching me all along.

"He was the closest to you," I spoke timidly. His eyes lost their humor. It was almost if he was a completely different person. It's like in one moment he's a normal, sweet playful guy and then in the instant he becomes a cold hearted.... Well, Professor.

"Have fun tomorrow Ms. (L/n)." He spoke quicker than I have ever heard before and left the room so quickly that I wasn't able to catch him. Why must he confuse me so much? I'm not even sure if he actually likes me or if he sees me as some bothersome kid. Hermione's right, what I'm doing, chasing after a teacher, it's stupid. I need to start getting my act together, and I will!. Starting tomorrow I'll try to keep him as far away from my mind as possible and just have fun at the ball with Harry.

 Starting tomorrow I'll try to keep him as far away from my mind as possible and just have fun at the ball with Harry

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