I Understand

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Severus and I sat around for a while in this weird building that he had taken me into

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Severus and I sat around for a while in this weird building that he had taken me into. He kissed me for quite some time, but before things got too heated, we stopped, and then we just talked. I'm pretty sure we have been standing here talking for about an hour now. Since Harry got in trouble though, it's not like I had any place I needed to be. I could spend the whole day with Severus if I wanted to... and I do want to. I couldn't help myself from asking questions. I feel like I know very little about him, but I guess today was going to change that. I made sure our conversation mostly settled around him.

I had learned that he wanted to be the defense against the dark arts teacher and that, that was his main goal in his career, perhaps the headmasters' position in the far future if the opportunity ever presented itself. Though these were goals of his future, he made his love of potions very clear to me. I could tell he really loved the subject. I also learned that his favorite color wasn't black, it was buttercup yellow. For some reason, I couldn't picture that in my mind, but he insisted he was telling the truth.

I'll make sure to wear yellow whenever I can now. He had brought to my attention that he didn't really enjoy Malfoy, he thinks he's whiny and can't handle anything by himself. I laughed at his remark, I mean he wasn't wrong. He confessed that he even had dreams about kicking him across the quidditch field. We both died laughing when he told me this story, but I did bring to his attention that Draco was my friend. That seemed to annoy him slightly, but he didn't protest my decisions.

Snape and I began talking for what felt like hours, he practically told me his whole life experience, every secret, every lie it felt like. I was shocked by how easily he opened up to me. He had told me how when he was a student he had dabbled in the dark arts. He seemed nervous to tell me, but I think he wanted me to know him for who he really is. I think his goal was to practically lay his life on the table and see if I still wanted to be with him.

Which I respected, but as he spoke it almost felt like he was trying to tell me the worst things about himself to scare me off. The thing is, none of it bothered me. I was actually impressed and wanted to know more. He had created his own spells and potions. He even has one of his old journals filled with his practicings. He said I could read it if I really wanted to. He confessed that he wasn't the most liked kid growing up and he was bullied quite frequently. Again, I couldn't imagine anyone hurting him, he was so on guard all of the time...

But I guess maybe that's the reason he is that way now. Severus also informed me that he had the talent of legilimency. Which meant he was able to read and interpret people's memories. He promised he never has done it to me, but for some reason, I feel like he was lying. After getting to know him better, he grew silent and just stared at me. Was he expecting me to leave?

"You know you're never going to scare me off right?" I spoke as I stood on my tiptoes to place my lips against his cheek. He smiled down at me, looking rather relieved.

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