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I woke up the next morning ecstatic

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I woke up the next morning ecstatic. At the end of the school year, I was moving in with Severus. Of course, it was going to be difficult and we are going to have to take extreme cautions that way we don't get caught. If the Ministry of Magic ever found out he had dated a student, they could with hold his promotions through this career. Or if they wanted, dismiss his position all together.

Hearing him speak like this seemed to have caused me some anxiety. I didn't want to be the reason for him losing his job, especially now knowing all the hard work he put in to get here. I almost decided against my decision to live with him, but then he told me he had a plan. He told me that he was hoping that within the next three years perhaps the school would understand if we had gotten together after I had graduated. Maybe we could make up a story about running into each other at a pub, one thing led to another and... well hopefully our relationship wouldn't affect our lives at that point in time.

Of course, that is a long time to wait before we can be seen in public together... I'm not to thrilled about that aspect, but I am thoroughly happy that he sees me being apart of his future. He wants to make this work and so do I. It's nice knowing after our talk yesterday that we are both willing to go to extreme measures to be with each other.

I had gotten dressed in my school robes before heading out to the dining hall for breakfast. Hermione had already gone, I didn't even see her this morning. She must have slipped out while I was sleeping. Maybe she had plans with Ron? Either way, it wasn't like her to just leave without telling me or at least write a note of some kind. The tension slipped off my shoulders when I walked into the hall to see my three friends laughing at our table. I was about to join them when I saw a hand waving to me in the other direction. I changed my course and decided I would sit with Draco today. I mean, I did just spend the entire break with those three. They should understand.

"What's up?" I said as I sat across from my dear friend. His hair was longer than it was before the break. I hadn't noticed yesterday because he had it gelled back, but currently, it was resting against his forehead. I also noticed the red scarf that I had given him was hung loosely around his neck.

"Ooooh, Draco Malfoy! Look at those luscious locks!" I reached my hand across the table, attempting to tuck his hair behind his ear but he just swatted my hand away laughing.

"Shut up. I plan on getting it cut this weekend." He pushed it away from his face as he smiled at me.

"No don't! I kinda like it." I smirked when I noticed his shocked expression. I think I may have embarrassed him.

"You do?" He asked as he attempted to pull a chunk of his hair in front of his eyes to look at it. It wasn't that long though, and he looked rather silly.

"Yeah, It makes your eyes pop." I grinned as he rolled his eyes at me, laughing.

"Gross. I look like my father." His statement made me laugh harder.

"You think your father has pretty eyes?" I asked through my small fits of giggles.

"No. But you must think so. Say? Do you have a thing for older men?" He spoke sarcastically but his words made my skin crawl. Snape was older but not that much older. I guess him being my teacher made it seem like he was though.

"Nah, I have a thing for myself." I winked as I tried to cover up my discomfort from his previous statement.

"You know, I get that." We both laughed after he agreed with me. I missed him over the holiday. I have a feeling if Draco would have come too, I probably would have had a lot more fun. Not that my time with Frederick wasn't enjoyable. He just... seemed to have confused me a little.

"Oh great," Draco muttered under his breath when I felt a presence approaching from behind me. Before I knew it, Harry was standing at the end of the table looking down at Draco and I.

"Hey (Y/n)? Can we talk... alone?" He spoke the same words he did that day he had pulled his little stunt on me. I could feel my blood pressure rise as he spoke. I really didn't feel like talking with him right now. Whatever he was going to tell me, I had a feeling it wasn't going to be good. Before I could answer him though, Draco had spoken for me.

"I think you lost that privilege Potter." Harry just looked at him, shocked by what he had just said.

"What are you talking about?." I could tell Harry was nervous now. Did he not want me telling people what happened?

"You know damn well what I'm talking about. I think you should stay away from her." Draco stood, confronting him with a rather hostile tone. Normally I would intervene and put an end to this but I was slightly curious about what would happen. Plus, if they got into a fight, I don't think I'd have to worry about Draco. William may have beat him last time but when I asked around about the story, everyone said that Draco didn't even try to hit back. He didn't lie in his letter. Not that I want Harry to get hurt, but I feel like maybe he needs to get some sense knocked into him. Even after he apologized, he was still acting flirty around me. Which was odd to begin with, but I couldn't believe he would go behind Fred's back like that. I don't know, Harry just hasn't been Harry lately.

"For your information, Malfoy, (Y/n) has a boyfriend.-" Draco's face contorted into one of confusion, causing Harry to carry on with his statement.

"Don't think nobody notices the way you are around her. Maybe you should start having some respect for your so called 'friend'." The room was silent and I could feel everyone's eyes watching the scene that was taking place a foot away from me. I cannot believe what Harry just said. Was he trying to hurt my feelings? Merlin, this was embarrassing. The two boys glared at each other, both of their chests rising and falling in anger. Draco took a step towards him. His height towering Harry's slightly, causing him to look down to match his intense glare.

"Respect? That is my best friend you are talking about. I would never dare bring her anything less than that. If anyone needs to show her some respect, it's you. You claim to be her friend, yet you force yourself on her while disregarding everything she's told you. Unlike you, I know where our relationship lies." Draco spits as he whispered his venomous words. Harry held his composure but I could tell he knew Draco was right. Though I hated seeing two of my friends fight like that, I'm slightly glad it happened.


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Guys! This story just got brought back up to #2 in the SeverusSnape tag! Im so pumped!! 

I seriously loved writing the tension in this chapter! For some reason I just love Harry and Draco's drama, it makes my life LMFAO. If you haven't noticed, I do tend to take Draco's side with things though. Just me showing my Slytherin pride since it is my house haha :) 

Comment, Vote and Follow me, please! I really love hearing from all of you guy! :) <3

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