You Little...

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It's been about three days since Snape and I have talked to each other

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It's been about three days since Snape and I have talked to each other. I am starting to feel a bit anxious and a little worried. I hope he hadn't changed his mind about me. Though, I don't think he has. I haven't been able to catch him alone, which I mean he's busy working most of the time so I understand. But, I really want to see him. Even though we have not spoken much, I still catch him watching me. He sends small smiles in my direction when he thinks no one is watching. It never fails to bring a blush to my face and I think he gets a kick out of easily he can change my composure. Which has Hermione suspicious of course. Some good news about that is that I have her thinking I like someone besides our Professor, but that means she has been constantly harassing me about who it is that has me, in her words: 'tripping over myself constantly.' She's upset that I won't tell her, but she seems to have gotten over it... kinda. In my favor, she's been preoccupied with Ronald.

UGH- I just really want to see him, I want to talk to him, I want to hear him say my name, my first name, I want to touch him and... kiss him. Ever since I felt his lips on my own it's like I'm craving to feel them again. When I'm alone or not focusing on a task or person, it's hard for me to keep my mind off of him. I've had to fight off the urge to just show up at his quarters at night. I know that wouldn't be a smart idea, if I was caught I could get him fired and get me expelled. But, I'm sad to say it has crossed my mind- quite frequently might I add. I settled on waiting for him to come and find me as he had said, I mean it's not like I had much of a choice anyway. I would never forgive myself if I ruined his career.

With all that's been running through my mind, I have kept myself busy by hanging out with either Draco or Harry. I would have spent my time with Hermione, but she and Ron have been stuck to each other like glue. Plus, she tends to make me think about him more with all of her pestering questions. Though hanging out with the two boys has been fun, it's also been kinda hectic. Neither one of them will speak to each other and whenever I bring up the other to one of them, they completely shut down. Like, I know they don't like each other and all, but this is a bit outrageous.

Today is Saturday, it's late but it's still morning time, almost afternoon. Hermione had left me to sleep as she left to go get breakfast with Ron. After she left I couldn't seem to fall back asleep. So I'm just laying on my bed underneath the covers staring at the wine red curtains that were hanging above my head. I was lost in thoughts about him again. I was taken out of my daze when I heard soft tapping against the glass frame beside my bed. I got up and walked over to the window. A beautiful, Snow White owl was perched there, holding a letter in his beak. I swung open the window letting the little guy in. He dropped the letter and I ran to my dresser to grab an owl treat out of the bowl that was placed on top. I gave the fluffy little guy his treat before he flew out. The letter was addressed to me. Strange, two letters in one week? Normally I never get mail. I ripped open the envelope.


I know this is a bit formal, but can you come out of your room, please? I'm bored and I'm not allowed in the girls' dormitories.

I'm sad to say I am a bit disappointed that it was from Harry. I was really hoping I would hear from Severus today, but I know better than to expeect a letter from him. It's a bit risky... Oh well, It can't hurt to fantacies about it. I guess I should get out of bed, I have been moping around for a while now. I don't know why I feel so tired. I rummaged through my dresser, deciding to wear jeans today. I lifted up the shirt I wore to bed, throwing it somewhere in the room. I put on my black bra and finally decided to wear just a plain black T-shirt today. I wasn't expecting to do much, Harry and I had plans but nothing I needed to dress up for. Before I could slip the clothing on over my head I heard my bedroom door creek open. Not thinking much of it, I turned towards the noise holding my shirt out to the side of my frame.

"Hey, Mione', you think this will make me look like a- OH MY GOD!" I quickly pressed the black fabric against my chest, attempting to cover my breast as I looked at Draco's shocked face.


"How did you even get in here?" I yelled as I slipped my shirt over my head. I shoved the fabric to my waist.Then quickly put on one of my white sneakers before making my way over to Draco, with only one shoe on.

"What do you think you are doing?" I began hitting him in the arm with my other shoe.

"H-hey. How was I supposed to know you were changing" He laughed as he raised his arms in defense.

"Hmm, Idk! Maybe you should practice knocking! Or not going into the girls' dormitories! How did you even get into our common room?" I pushed him out of my room while hopping on one foot. I used his shoulder to balance myself as I slipped on my other sneaker.

"I have my ways." He smirked while looking down at me.

"You uh- didn't see anything did you?" I asked, feeling a bit shy. I've never been even remotely naked in front of a guy before. It kinda sucks that the first time a guy sees me with my shirt off it has to be Draco Malfoy... I mentally facepalmed.

"Nothing I didn't like." He winked as he began laughing. I started hitting him repeatedly as he cowered away from me.

"Ow, ow, ow! Okay! I didn't see anything!"

"That's better! You little perv." I laughed as I pointed my finger, hitting him in the chest. We both began laughing hysterically, basically falling over each other. My embarrassment faded with the joy that took over the both of us. Perhaps Draco and I were becoming closer than I originally thought.
"You just- hit me- with your shoe!" His words where broken through gasps for air.
"You should of saw your face!" I yelled out quickly through my broken laughter. We were laughing so hard that I was softly hitting his chest as he held my shoulders to help contain himself from doubling over with laughter.

"What's he doing here?" A random voice took us out of our moment.

"What's he doing here?" A random voice took us out of our moment

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1,165 reads, 112 votes, and #1 in SeverusSnape in just 10 days!! That means the absolute world me!!! Thank you all so much for reading I really appreciate each and every one of you! I'll make the next chapter extra special just to celebrate! <3

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