No Matter What

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Hey guys! :) Sorry for such the late posting today! But good news!! I HAVE COMPLETED THE STORY!! So get ready for a small Marathon of "I Am Your Teacher". I'm posting six chapters in one day! XD Im exhasted! lmfao! But I would do anythign for you guys! Plus I really love this story! :) So I hope you all enjoy! <3<3<3

 I'm posting six chapters in one day! XD Im exhasted! lmfao! But I would do anythign for you guys! Plus I really love this story! :) So I hope you all enjoy! <3<3<3

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Weeks have passed and I have almost completely forgotten about what is going happening after graduation. Practically, It does still linger in the back of my mind but I have kept myself busy enough so I don't focus on the negative. Severus and I have retorted back into our old ways, not worrying about the future and simply being with one another. We've been spending every chance we can together. He makes sure to make time for me every day, though it almost seems like I am with him constantly when the classes aren't in sessions. We go for walks, sneak through secret corridors, hide out in his quarters and he even will steal me away to a random place from time to time. Out of all of that, I'd have to say my favorite time to see him is after potions. That whole class period of just us... plus I've noticed he can't seem to keep his hands off of me when we are alone in his classroom. I don't mind though, I don't mind one bit. I have actually tried to take a step farther into our relationship during those times but he always stops me. I would be lying if I said it didn't confuse me but I'm sure he has his reasons... 

My last year of Hogwarts... It has been the best time of my entire life I'd have to admit.

 And it's because of him.

Besides my love life, everything else is doing fantastic as well! Wendy Mooney was told to stay away from me, wether that was for her protection or mine, I didn't know. Draco has backed off of Severus and we have been hanging out like how we use to before he knew about the whole ordeal. Though he doesn't talk about Snape anymore, I have noticed that he asks how I am feeling more. He doesn't let me slide with an 'I'm fine' either. He actually wants to know. Which I thought was strange at first, but I'm sure that was just his way of checking up on how I was handling everything. I really needed to do something for him to show him how much I have appreciated his support recently. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than him. Speaking about my friends, Harry seems to have gotten over his crush on me or at least he's been ignoring it for now. We have been catching up in our classes and I have actually been hanging out with him and William in the common room before bed. It's really nice to have them back, I mean I look at them like they are my brothers. I guess growing up in the Orphanage that was down the street from them had that effect on me. They were the closest thing I had to a real family. Especially since it was their mother Lilly who had helped me learn that I was a witch. I didn't realize how much our fighting had been hurting me until it stopped. Not much has changed with Ron because... well, Ron is Ron. Hermione and I have been just as close as ever too, though she does hate it when I ditch her for our Professor. It's not like I can help it though, I have limited time to spend with him, otherwise, I would make some time for her. I'm just glad she understands, besides she gets over it pretty quickly because she ends up hanging out with Ronald whenever I disappear. Those two are quite a pair.


It was another one of those days where Severus had snuck me out of the castle. We took a stroll into the forbidden forest, the tall dark trees seemed to be looming over us as we weave our way through them. I've noticed he really enjoys it here. Possibly because it's a place we don't have to worry about being seen. I'm not sure if that's why he likes it, but that certainly is one of the big reason why I enjoy the place. It makes me relax. Whenever we are sneaking around the halls of Hogwarts I'm always so tense, afraid that someone is going to catch us at any moment. But here, I don't have to worry. I mean, don't get me wrong- I love the thrill of having a secret to ourselves, but it does tend to stress me out from time to time.

It was warm out today, warm and damp. There was a thick fog laying across the forest floor. I could barely see a foot in front of myself. It was sprinkling, a sheet of warm mist floating through the air causing my robes to weigh down on my shoulders. I watched Severus through the low clouds, seeing his black frame stand out through the white scenery around us... he almost looked like a dark angel. I couldn't help but smile at my own thoughts. He's mine... Atleast for now, He's mine.

"(Y/n)... I've been thinking lately... and I have been curious about how you would interpret my thoughts..." He spoke slowly and I could barely hear him. After his voice hummed to an end, he disappeared, the fog enveloping him and my sight. Even though I couldn't see him I knew he was still there because I could hear twigs snapping underneath the weight of his shoes. I could also hear the ribbits of frogs in the distance, perhaps there was a pond nearby? I wouldn't know though. At the moment I couldn't see a thing.

"And what have you been thinking about?"

"I've been thinking... that the time I have spent with you has been the happiest moments of my life..." I heard his steps growing closer to me before the sound stopped. He stood still in reaching distance. If I were to raise my arm I would be able to touch him. I was nervous, so I didn't move. Though I couldn't see the details of his face, I could make out the dark colors of his robes. My breath hitched as I listened to him speak.

"I don't want to lose you, so... I'm gonna quit." My eyes shot open as his black orbs came into view. He was staring down at me with a love-struck look stuck on his face. It was so sweet of him to think that way but- he can't... he can't just give up everything for me... That's not fair to him.

"Quit? Y-your job?" I stuttered as I spoke. He said nothing but nodded as a grin formed on his lips.

"Sev- no... You can't do that, you've worked so hard for this."

"So? There are always other schools I can work for... besides... this job means nothing to me if I can't be with you..." My heart raced as his words sank in. This was everything I wanted to hear from him since the moment we started dating. I was so in love with him, and right now he is telling me that I come before his job... But I shouldn't. He is probably confused... He's can't be thinking straight right now.

"This is Hogwarts Severus... You shouldn't quit... Not for me, please don't put that on my conscience." I felt his cold touch cup my cheek as he searched my eyes.

"All I want is to be with you (Y/n)... and if I keep working here then I'll have to leave..." I turned my head and smiled into his hand as I placed a kiss to his palm. He looked so worried, I don't think he was expecting me to tell him to stay. Even though I would love if we ran away together, something just doesn't feel right about it... This was where he belongs and I think he would eventually realize that if he were to leave.

"Do you love me?" I asked as I laced my fingers with his.

"Of course."

"Then stay here for me... Live your dream. We'll find each other again. I promise." After I was done talking Severus didn't say anything more. He nodded slowly as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into him. I could feel his warmth as I laid my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat. Everything was going to be okay. We were gonna make it through this, no matter what.

 We were gonna make it through this, no matter what

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I Am Your Teacher (Severus Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now