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I found myself, excitedly rushing to potions class, I was the first there

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I found myself, excitedly rushing to potions class, I was the first there. I sat down at my table right in front of his desk. He looked up from the book he was reading, a small smile forming on his lips when he noticed it was me. I looked around, still, no one had entered the classroom yet.

"Good Evening Severus," I spoke formally.

"(Y/n)" He stated back before the rustling of other students game shuffling into the classroom. His composure changed almost immediately. His face furrowed, he looked as though he had no emotion at all, but I knew better than to suspect that. I felt Harry sit beside me.

"(Y/n)! I've been looking for you all day! Where have you been?" He asked while he sat his books down, preparing for the lesson we had ahead of us.

"Nowhere, everywhere." I winked playfully.

"Where have you been?" I asked, noticing how intently Severus was staring at us. Was he eavesdropping?

"Ha. Ha."- Harry was interrupted by Professor Snape begging the lesson.

"Today... you will be attempting to brew Felix Felicis. Here are your instructions." With the lift of his wand, papers fluttered around the room, landing in front of each student and their cauldrons.

"I want absolute....silence..... Begin." Quickly, I began gathering the supplies I needed to brew the potion bring them back over to the table Harry and I were sharing. We started working silently, it felt like hours had passed, but in reality, it had only been about thirty minutes. I was really struggling with this task, and I don't know why? Usually, I am exceptional when it comes to making potions! I mean, I am doing alright I guess, but for some reason, I wasn't sure about myself. Maybe it was because I was so aware of Severus walking around the room. Every time he passed me, he would stare coldly- in my direction. I was starting to get a few mixed signals from him. What am I supposed to think about all of this? As I stirred, my potion, it began to change colors. I was lost in thought as I looked at the bubbling liquid. Snape's hair, looked so soft, didn't it? And his eyes? Yes, they were dark but beautiful too, they reminded me of the night sky. Something limitless and unknown. I noticed my mind began slipping into the thought of kissing him. No... he is my Professor, that is incredibly inappropriate! Or is it? I mean, he has been obviously flirting with me this entire time... Unless I have been reading him the wrong way, but I don't feel like I am. "Pssst" I heard Harry attempting to get my attention. I looked over at him mouthing the word 'what?' I was slightly annoyed, but I didn't let that show. I didn't want unnecessary drama going on with my friends, not with everything that is going on right now. I don't need more things boggling my mind.

"I was looking for you for a reason.... I-I.... I wanted to ask if you wanted to go somewhere tonight?... With me..?" I looked into his blue eyes, 'hmm??' I question. Wait... was Harry Potter asking me out?? Oh no, no, no, no... Please don't be doing this right now...

"On a date, with me- tonight??" He questioned again, a bit louder this time. I went to answer, my voice cracking, not allowing me to get a single word out. I can't believe this. Maybe this is why he was so annoyed with his little brother having a thing for me? Oh no...

I Am Your Teacher (Severus Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now