A Surprise

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When I walked into the Gryffindor common room, I noticed a familiar set of brunette curls sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace

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When I walked into the Gryffindor common room, I noticed a familiar set of brunette curls sitting on the couch in front of the fireplace. That's odd, I could have sworn she had a class during this time. As soon as the door creaked shut behind me, her head shot in my direction.

"You!" She yelled as she pointed at me. She stood up walking in my direction. Her furious steps calmed once she was close enough for speaking distance. I felt my heart twist. Why was she mad at me? I don't remember doing anything wrong to her. Perhaps she was upset about the whole Harry situation? I mean I was too, I agree I should have done something differently but I didn't think she would be this upset over it. I watched her stagger her stance as she took in a deep breath, unclenching her fist.

"I'm not mad at you." She spoke softly.

"Really? Cause it sure seems like you are."

"Well, I was. But I understand your reasoning now." I was confused by her sentence. My reasoning? What the bloody hell was she talking about?

"Okay... you've lost me." I said as she grabbed my arm, pulling me towards our dormitories. Why is she acting so strange? I don't see what I've could have done to cause this kind of reaction from her.

"We can't talk here." She dragged me up the stairs and into our room before she finally let go of her hold on me. She had a tight grip, it felt as though she had given me a sort of rug burn. Holding my now throbbing wrist in my free hand, I took a seat at the end of Hermione's bed.

"Why are you acting so weird?" I asked as I watched her pace back and forth about five steps in each direction. She froze at the sound of my voice, turned and looked at me.

"I'm acting 'weird' because I saw you snogging our Professor over at Lookout tower yesterday!" I felt my muscles tense. Involuntarily, I crossed my legs as I massaged my own face, attempting to calm myself.

"Why must you speak so loud?" I stood as I started walking around the room, making sure to check each nook and cranny in hearing distance.

"No ones in here. I checked before you arrived." I stared at her, at first I was in shock. I really wasn't expecting her to know anything. Though I shouldn't have put it past her to find out. She is no where near as dense as the boys. I could feel my hands shake slightly at the thought. I can't believe this is happening. I don't know what else to do, except for apologize to her...

"I'm so sorry Mione', I wanted to tell you! I really did! I was... I don't know, scared? You seemed so appalled at the fact that I like him, I thought-"

"I would turn you in." I looked at her blankly. I would never think such a thing, but I could tell it was an obvious fear of hers. I could hear the hurt laced thoroughly in her voice.

"Of course not. I just didn't want you to think any less of me." I watched her composure change as she listens to me speak. I could tell she was relieved. I was about to speak again but she had taken me off guard by engulfing me into a bear hug.

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