It's Nice to Hear From You (Draco)

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I'm not sure if you wish to hear from me or not, but I was just curious on how you're doing



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It's been one week since I have received that letter from Severus. My mind went blank and confusion swept past me as I read his words. I haven't heard from him in so long, why has he wrote to me out of the blue like this? Is he trying to string me along? Play some kind of sick head game with me? Or perhaps there's a chance he has changed his mind and wants to work on us again. Though, if that is the case, what does he expect me to say? Would I even be interested in that again?

My stomach has been twisted for what feels like an eternity. Not only because I am not sure where my relationship lies with Draco, but also because I have started furthering my Healer training. As all this is folding out before me, I don't even have the chance to talk to my best friend about everything. There was once I time I could tell Draco everything. But now, with coming to the realization of my feelings, or; what I think may be feelings for him. It has become difficult for me to open up to him. Not only do I find our relationship in great turmoil, but I can't even find time to speak with him. Between my training and his long meetings with his father it seems almost hopeless.

After a long day at my internship I find myself walking through the Malfoy's Manor. The room where Mr. Malfoy hold his meeting is closed tightly shut but I can hear the mumbling of Draco's voice barely floating through the wooden walls. I paused in my tracks, staring at the carvings around the framed doorway. I took in a deep breath. I missed him. I'm literally living with him and if I wanted to, I could find some time to talk to him if I didn't feel like he was avoiding me.

"You alright dear?" I jumped at the sound of Narssica's voice. I followed her voice only to see her flicking her wand in the air.

"Yes, I'm fine" I let out the breath I was holding for a moment. I watched a bottle of wine float out of the cupboard, porting itself into two different classes.

"Come, have a drink with me."

"Oh, no thank you-"

"Don't be so polite, sit." She pulled out a chair for me as I hesitantly sat down. The glass of wine slid itself across the pure glass table over to me. I picked it up staring at it uncomfortably. I watched her take a sip as she gestured to me. I followed her actions. We sat in silence for a few moments as I stared out the big open windows. The garden's trees swaying slightly in the breeze. For a moment I forgot where I was. That's when I realized there was a calming charm casted on it. No wonder I enjoy spending my time out there.

"Let me guess, you haven't spoken to Draco recently have you?" I looked at her, surprised she knew what was bothering me. I nodded my head as I took another sip of my wine.

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