The Ball

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Tonight was the ball

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Tonight was the ball. I found myself dreading leaving the room, I really hope something good comes out of tonight. Currently, all I can see happening in my future is me, breaking my friend's heart. I'm really not in the mental state of mind to be handling such a burden right now. Though I was stressing about what the night had to offer, Hermione and I were having a fun time doing each other's hair and makeup. We had straightened her hair and curled mine. Leaving hers down and twisting my own into a side bun resting on the base of my neck. When I put on my dress my stomach turned. 'This was meant for him.' I thought. My mind was racing, I really didn't want to think about Severus at the moment.

"Is something wrong (Y/n)?" Hermione asked as I zipped up the back of her dress.

"Just a lot on my mind" I let out a deep breath I didn't realize I was holding in. She then returned the favor by zipping the back of my dress as well.

"Well, let's get your mind off of things! We are currently a little over ten minutes late to meet the guys! So lets get going!" I could tell Hermione was excited. It had taken Harry basically forcing Ron, but he did end up asking her. Once he did, he felt stupid for not asking her days ago. Those two were quite shy with one another I've noticed. She grabbed my hand, pulling me through the common room and into the hall.

"Come on!" Her smile was from ear to ear. She was really excited about tonight. I wish I could have shared her same enthusiasm. She began jogging down the corridor, dancing around me laughing.

"Cheer up! It's weird seeing you so down!" She grabbed my hand spinning me around. I began laughing along with her. Only my best friend would know how to take my mind off of- well, you know.. We spun around each other, jokingly dancing as if we were a couple. There was no one else in the hall, just us. Most likely because we were both so late as it is. Hermione spun me away from her as we rounded the corner. Suddenly I felt something hit me, hard. I fell to my knees.

"What do you think you are- Oh, (Y/n)! Are you alright?" It was Professor Snape. 'Great'. Of course when I am trying to not think about him he just appears out of nowhere. Before I even realized what was occurring, I felt hands on both my elbows, hoisting me to my feet. I looked up to meet his eyes with my own. His touch didn't waver. He looked over me, scanning me with those prying eyes of his. My senses were working overtime right now. I was aware of each of his hands still placed on my arms. I was also aware of his eyes, I could practically feel him taking in my appearance. My heart began beating so loudly, I was afraid he might hear it.

"You look-" He stopped himself, suddenly realizing Hermione's presence beside us.

"Nice. Now go. You two are ridiculously late." He pulled away and rushed down the hall. I was frozen where I stood. Why? Why did he have to cause this reaction from me? Why does my face feel like it's been burned by the sun? How come when I finally to decide to attempt to rid him of my mind, he makes himself so apparent to me. I'm so confused. I don't know what he wants from me.

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