I'm Gonna Need That In Writing (Fred)

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"Fred? Wha-

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"Fred? Wha-... How do you and George keep sneaking around here AND finding me?" I asked, flustered as I folded my arms over my chest, attempting to hide my wet bra.

"We have our ways." He said. Now he was wearing nothing, except his navy blue underwear. He stepped into my bathwater, lowering himself next to me. All of my fear and anxiety about seeing him again vanished, replaced by a smile I couldn't hide, and red cheeks that were burning my skin. I couldn't believe I was sitting here next to Fred in nothing but my underwear, it felt strange and it's nothing like how I imagined it would be... Yes, I have to admit I have thought about this moment countless times, but I never thought it would come true. This was better than anything my imagination could ever create.. Well, besides the awkward conversation that laid ahead of us, though he didn't seem like he was worried. He seemed confident, a little too confident to think he could just waltz into my bath. I wonder what George told him exactly?

"I take it you talked to your brother?"

"Which one? Cause two of them told me some interesting things about you..." His eyes searched mine as the left corner of his mouth raised in a smirk. He must have noticed my blush, I was not only embarrassed about being called out but I was also half-naked in front of my long time crush for the first time. I looked down at my hands underneath the water. I was nervous and didn't know what to say. I also didn't know what either of them had told him. Best I just keep quiet and hopefully, he will end up telling me. Perhaps there's a chance I can still dig my way out of this.

"George told me everything you said." Fred moved in front of me, underneath the water I felt his hand wrap around my own. I didn't fight it.

"I will never hurt you (Y/n)... I will never leave... if that is the sole reason why you won't be with me... then I am reassuring you now. I won't hurt you. I'm right here, even if you decide I'm not what you want, I will always be your friend. And I promise you, I will always want to be with you. I won't change my mind. I mean it." I couldn't hide the smile that caught my lips. I looked down at our intertwined hands, even though the room was dark, I still tried to hide the obvious blush that was printed across my face. I was used to making Fred blush, not the other way around. He let go of one of my hands before I felt him caress my jaw. He lifted my gaze to meet his chocolate brown eyes, not allowing me to break out eye contact.

"I would never ask you to leave. Not in a million years." We gradually moved closer to one another as I spoke. Though I wasn't sure if it was intentional or instinctual. It felt like we were naturally gravitating towards one another like we always have our entire lives. I don't know why I have insisted on fighting it for so long.

"Not in a million years?" He whispered as our lips were only centimeters apart. My stomach flipped with excitement. I couldn't even mutter the word 'yes'. Instead, I barely nodded and as I did I felt Fred's one arm wrap underneath my legs as he lifted me into his arms. My top half was just above the water, the air chilling my skin sending little goosebumps to raise against my flesh.

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