My Now, REAL Date

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Today's Friday

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Today's Friday. I have mended my feud with Harry, not necessarily because I wanted to but because I decided it was for the best. He was attempting to expose my secret that didn't really exist anymore. So it seemed like the logical thing to do.

This entire week I have skipped every class I have with Severus, including our prep period and to my surprise, my grades have not lowered at all. It's like he's glad I'm avoiding him. Thinking that makes my heart sink to my toes. The last four days have seemed to have lasted ages. Avoiding my potions Professor at all cost, I haven't eaten in the dining hall once. I sneak through the corridors and when I'm not in class I keep my head hung low as I find my way to the common room.

It's been difficult for me to wrap my brain around him giving up on us so easily...Especially after what he had asked me that night on the beach. I want to ask him why. I want to talk, yell and scream at him. I'm just so angry... He PROMISED me he would make this work. Yet, at the first sign of danger, he runs with his tail tucked between his legs like a scared dog. What hurt the most was yesterday when I accidentally ran into him in the hall, he just looked at me. He didn't say a word, he didn't even glance at my eyes. This whole thing sucks.

I should have taken Hermione's advice months ago and stopped myself from ever letting our relationship grow farther. Though I was cross with Severus, I still carried the notebook he gave me everywhere. I couldn't handle seeing his face. But if I'm being honest, I was hoping there was a chance he would write to me. I thought about maybe writing him a message, perhaps explain how angry I was. Though I was tempted, I siked myself out of it because I thought there may be a chance he would man up and confront our situation first. He hasn't. I guess if this is how it's going to be. Then, so be it.

The weather was nice out today, still cold but not as bad as it has been the last few weeks. Draco and I had decided to take our lunch outside. I had told Draco about everything the day after it happened, but since then this is the first time we have really talked. I kind of excluded myself from everyone this past week. Of course, besides Draco and Hermione, everyone thought it was because of the fight I had with Harry. Even though I had publically talked everything through with him.

So far, I have been simply sitting outside with Draco, everything was quiet until he broke the tension.

"I'm sorry (Y/n), but I'm mad." I looked at him as he spoke. Mad? What did he have to be mad about at this moment?

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that horrible Professor. You know we can do something to make him pay for what he has done." His silver eyes glistened as he looked at me. I could see the temptation lying in his irises and honestly there was some part of me that agreed with him. But I can't, I could never do that to him...

"No... Please, leave it alone."

"But (Y/n), all I'd have to do is tell my father about what you two were doing. We could make you look innocent! Then he'd be gone and you wouldn't have to suffer through seeing his face for the rest of the year." Draco seemed as if he was getting excited about the whole ordeal. I really hope he wasn't retreating back to his old ways... he's come so far.

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