The Truth

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*.~.*.~.* Hey Dudes!! I decided to post a second chapter today! Chapter 31 and 32 were originally supposed to be one anyways. I split them because I thought it was too long lol. :) But either way I hope you enjoy this extra upload today!! <3 Comment your thoughts when you are finished reading! I loved to know how you feel about the ending of this one! :)*.~.*.~.*

Maybe Draco finally made Harry realize I wasn't interested? Or perhaps he just ruined our friendship forever

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Maybe Draco finally made Harry realize I wasn't interested? Or perhaps he just ruined our friendship forever. Draco turned, offering his arm to me. Still being overwhelmed by the scene that had unfolded, I hesitated before accepting his gesture. He lead me out of the hall as I felt the curious stares of our peers holding on to me as we left. I could feel the tension in him grow faint the farther away we where from Harry. We were walking down the corridor when I realized we were heading to our first class. We walked into the classroom taking our usual seats next to each other. We were severely early, not even the teacher was in the room yet. We sat in silence for a while before Draco looked over to me, showing me a small smile.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to lose my temper."

"No, I get it. I would have done the same for you." I nudged his arm with my elbow as he let out a laugh in relief. We both fell silent again as his words that he told Harry rang through my memory.

"Draco?" I asked as he hummed in reply. His silver eyes landed on me as he gave me his full attention.

"What did you mean when you said 'You know where our relationship lies'?" I couldn't help but ask. I wanted to know if everything Hermione thought was right. Plus, I needed to know for my own self closure. Draco sighed as he looked at me, causing me to hold my breath. I didn't realize how nervous I was to hear his answer. What would happen if he did like me? Would him admitting it change the way he acts around me? That's what happened with Harry... I really don't want to go through that again.

"I told you I liked you remember? I still do, but I'm not going to let that ruin our friendship. You have made me a much happier person by simply being my friend and I'm grateful for that-" My heart sank as his words began to fall short. Hermione was right. Though, Draco seemed to value our relationship more than his own feelings. This boy literally is my best friend and if I could give him everything he wanted, I would... but, I just don't feel that way about him.
Draco continued.

"Besides, I know you like someone else... I don't know who it is, but it's obvious." He smiled at me as I felt my cheeks begin to burn with embarrassment. Was I that easy to read? He just looked at me as he began to chuckle through his nose.

"You think I wouldn't notice your constant absence, and that goofy smile you always have when you appear out of nowhere?" Holy crap, he knows. Have I let my guard slip that much? And I do not have a goofy smile after I'm done seeing Severus. Atleast, I hope I don't . That means I would look goofy in front of him... God damnit Draco, why do you have to make me over think about nonsense.

"Trust me, I was so confused when I saw you with one of the Weasley's. I know it's someone in the school, that's why I wasn't surprised when you told me it wasn't real." It grew quiet again as I focused my gaze on the wooden table before me. I could see my hands shaking as I rested them on it.

"I've been waiting for you to tell me about it you know?" His voice made me involuntarily look in his direction.

"So... Am I allowed to ask who?" His voice was quiet, like he wasn't sure if she should be asking me or not. I think he was expecting me to get mad at him. I could feel my heart beating in my chest, the pulsing was so rough, it felt as though it was shaking me. Was I seriously considering telling him?

"Draco... you would never do anything to hurt me right?"

"Of course not. I know my past isn't the best to judge on. But I promise, I'm a changed man." He joked as he grinned at me. I didn't return his smile, I just stared at him, too scared to speak. He frowned when he noticed my state.

"Hey, you can tell me anything..." He rested his hands over top both of mine. They were currently shaking in their own grasp.

"Okay... but you have to swear on your mother's life, you will never tell a living soul."

"I swear on my mother's life, I'll never tell a living soul." He instantly repeated my words back to me.

"Okay, and you have to swear on my life and yours you will not think any less of me..." Draco looked at me in confusion before agreeing.

"I swear it (Y/n)." I took a deep breath that quivered as the air left my lungs. Was I really going to tell him? Should I tell him? If I did would this ruin everything Severus and I have between each other? I don't know what I'm doing, I'm just so sick of lying to everyone! I need someone to talk to about everything.
I need someone to be there for me.

I know I have Severus, but I need a friend, someone who will tell me I'm not making a huge mistake. As much as Snape could comfort me about my own thoughts, our whole relationship started with him telling me what we were doing was wrong. And because of that, that thought has stuck with me since. All I wanted was for someone to tell me I wasn't an idiot. But then again, maybe I am one? I already know what Hermione thinks about my crush on our potions teacher. She made it very clear that she didn't support it. Maybe she's right... but I can't ignore the way I feel... I want him and only him, for the rest of my life... I swallowed, trying to find the words to speak.


"You can tell me. I'll support you no matter what." His eyes locked with mine as I felt him rub my hands with his thumbs.

"I'm in love with Professor Snape."


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YASSSSSS!!! Finally, she told someone!!! :) I am seriously SO happy with this chapter! I really hope you guys enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it! :) <3

Comment, Vote and Follow me, please!! I appreciate your reads! <3<3<3

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