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I snuck quietly into my class

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I snuck quietly into my class. Thankfully Draco had saved me a seat in the far back. I sat beside him, getting out my books and setting them on the table as quietly as I could. To my surprise, the Professor didn't notice my presence or apparently my absence to the class. That's nice to know I guess... I tried to act as naturally as possible, trying to get my head to focus on the subject that we were studying. It was difficult to do though, I couldn't stop thinking about Snape and what had just occurred between us only a few minutes ago. I had to continually push down the blush that was trying to return to my cheeks. It also didn't help that Draco had been staring at me since I had walked through the door.

"What are you staring at?" I sighed, not taking my eyes off the front of the room.

"What took you so long?" He questioned. I panicked for a second. Did I look weird? Was I that easy to read? Okay, calm down, I'm just being paranoid.

"Don't you think you're being a tad invasive?" I glanced over at the blonde boy. I could tell he wasn't used to someone talking back to him. Which is weird seeing his current situation. Even though his Slytherin Pal's have been treating him like shit, they still don't dare question his authority. It's almost like he wants them to exclude him.

"Sorry- I guess I was just worried-" I didn't let him finish his thought, his voice making me realize how rude I had been.

"Don't be, I'm sorry." I simply stated, trying to regain my focus. Missing the beginning of class made it a lot harder to get back on track. Malfoy slid over his book so I could see what I missed. I mouthed a 'thank you' as I quietly copied over his notes onto my own. As I was doing so, I could feel Draco's stare burning my temple. I stopped writing, slowly looking up to meet his silver eyes.

"I had some lady issues okay?" I said, trying to come up with something that would be a valid excuse for my absence. Draco's face turned a bit pink as he just nodded, finally dropping his stare away from my face.

"Did I make you uncomfortable?" I laughed as I nudged his shoulder.

"No!" He retorted. Silence followed for a moment before he let out a laugh.

"Yeah... uh, anyway's do you wanna have lunch with me today? You seem to be the only person that wants to talk to me." Both of our laughter died as he changed the subject.

"Of course," I said with a sympathetic smile.

"Your friends won't mind?"

"They'll manage." I smiled, finally bringing my attention back to the lesson plan.


Draco and I decided to go outside for lunch. Seeing how neither one of us felt comfortable sitting at each others house tables. It was quiet for the most part, we didn't talk much. It was starting to get chilly outside, It was that kind of brisk wind where you could tell that the first snowfall would be coming in just a few days. The wind softly blew through my hair, sending a small shiver to creep up unexpectedly. My shoulder raised to my neck involuntarily.

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