It's Pretty

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Hey dudes!! So I have decided to start posting my story on weekends as well!! Hope you enjoy today's chapter! <3

I've been at the Weasley's for a few days now, I've been sleeping on the couch ever since the first night

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I've been at the Weasley's for a few days now, I've been sleeping on the couch ever since the first night. I didn't want what happened between Harry and me to happen again and I also didn't want to give Ron more of a reason to think I liked his best friend. It's a little after five, dinner would probably be done soon, but I took an opportunity to escape from the busy house. I sat on their back patio, curled up in my white coat that Draco had given me. The snow was falling gracefully to the ground, and I could see brief clouds of fog with every breath I released. I mentally sighed when I heard the back door creak open, I was annoyed until I saw a mess of brunette hair sit beside me.

"So...uh, I have a question?"

"What is it, Hermione?" I didn't look at her, instead, I kept my eyes on the beautiful snowflakes that were floating in the air. I loved Hermione's company, but I came out here to be away from others. Sometimes I need to be alone, and that's okay. I wish my friends would understand that.

"Um... Ronald has brought to my attention... your act of affection towards... well, Harry?" She cleared her throat during the middle of her question. Irritated, I brought my attention to her brown eyes.

"Are you kidding me? I was sleeping! I didn't know you could be punished for something that you didn't even know was happening!"

"Who were you dreaming about?"

"Sev-... Several things, really." Holy shit, I almost just said his name. Hermione watched me. I looked at her for a moment before turning away, returning my gaze back to the snow. We stopped talking, it was quiet for quite some time as she just simply looked at me. I tried my best to ignore her stare but it was hard. This was starting to become a bit awkward.

"Do you... smell... Draco?" She asked as she leaned in close to me. I could hear her sniffing my shoulder. I pulled away, feeling my face grow hot. Why was I blushing?

"It uh-" I cleared my throat.

"It's my jacket. Draco charmed it with his scent." I pulled the jacket closer to me as I spoke, smelling the cologne. He really did smell good. Hermione then began grinning from ear to ear.

"He totally likes you back."

"What? No, he doesn't." I protested her claim. At least, I really hope he doesn't, I don't want to lose him as a friend. Draco and I have become so close, I really don't want to cause anything to jeopardize that.

"Are you kidding, look at the gift he got you." She smirked as he ran her hand through the fur that was covering my arm.

"You were dreaming of him when you did that to Harry weren't you." I had no idea how to reply to that statement. I started to feel nervous as my face grew hot, that damn blush was coming back to my cheeks. What is wrong with me? I normally don't act this way! Hermione stood with a knowing smile as she looked down at me.

"The truth will come out (Y/n)... The truth will come out." She said as I just looked at her blankly.

"You've been hanging around Ron way too much." I laughed. She joined me before rolling her eyes and making her way towards the door.

"It's freezing out here. You should come in for dinner soon." I watched the door shut behind her after she spoke. I began to over think about Hermione and Ron's words. 'The truth will come out'? It better flipping not come out. If that's the case then both Severus and I are screwed! I shouldn't worry too much about it though. Those two are only teasing me, right? Or where are they threatening to tell my secrets? That's a thought that never crossed my mind before. No way, they are my friends and I don't think either one of them would do that to me.

"Hey... are you coming in? You've been out here for a while." One of the red-headed twins sat beside me. I assumed it was Fred, lately, he hasn't been joking around with me, he's been leaving the pranks up to George. Right now, he seemed pretty serious.

"Yeah sorry, it's just so beautiful out here."

"It is." He said, his eyes never leaving my frame. We sat in silence for a moment. I took in a deep breath letting the harsh air hit my lungs. I loved how cold it was. I loved the way it made me feel, it relaxed me and reminded me of the first time I snuck out of the orphanage.

"What is that?" Fred asked as I felt his warm hand poke at the ring on my finger. It was still glowing a faint gold, it hasn't faded since I left the school.

"Just a gift from a friend," I said, wanting to say, boyfriend. But I knew the trouble it would cause if I said this.

"It's pretty." I didn't reply back to him, instead, I just stood, letting a small smile find its way to my lips.

"Come on, mum finished dinner a while ago." Fred said as he followed my actions. The then took me by the hand, leading me inside to the dining room. The whole family sat at the table passing food around to each other. I sat between the twins since they had saved a seat for me. As I made my plate I took part in several conversations that were being shouted across several sections of the table. As I ate my food I couldn't help but wonder how my life would have been different if I had grown up with a family of my own.

"Psst-" I felt George poke my leg under the table. I looked over at him, giving the boy my full attention.

"Freddie and I have a surprise for you. Meet us in our room after dinner." I rolled my eyes as he winked at me. I heard Fred scoff at his brother as he did this.

"No way. I'm not walking into one of your traps that easily." I laughed as I ate a spoonful of Mrs. Weasley's famous roasted potatoes.

"It's nothing like that. Just think of it as an early Christmas present." Fred elbowed me in the side as he spoke with a small smile hiding in his features somewhere.

"Alright." I sighed jokingly as I leaned back in my chair.

"Don't let mum catch you slouching." Frederick poked me in the side again as I sat up straight, forgetting Molly's strict table manners.

"Be there at eight pm sharp," George whispered in my ear. I just rolled my eyes as I nodded. Now that the twins weren't distracting me anymore I could finally focus on eating dinner. I started dozing off as thoughts of Severus entered my mind... again.


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Thanks for reading dudesss!!! :) hope you enjoy this update and I hope your excited to see what the Weasley twins are giving you in the next chapter!! :P

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