"Nothing" (Draco)

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The door that stood in front of me was huge

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The door that stood in front of me was huge. At least 7 feet taller than where the top of my head stood. It was white with cute swirled carvings covering the entire entrance. My excitement peaked. I wanted to go in.

"That's where my parents host their parties," Draco said as I looked up at him. A tiny smile laid on his features.

"Can we go in?"

"If you want." I didn't let a moment's hesitation pass before I twisted the silver knob. The door swung open revealing a huge empty room. Marble flooring shining as Malfoy raised his hand to me.

"You ready?" He asked as I clamped my hand into his.


"This." Draco ran into the room dragging me behind him, he grabbed my shoulder as he quickly stopped moving, we skidded across the floor as if we were on ice. Suddenly we lost our balance and both tumbled to the ground. My stomach twisted into small fits of laughter.

"Grab my hands" He stood extending his arms out to me. I obliged, but before I could stand up Draco started spinning me in circles, flinging me across the floor. Then he let go, as I flew across the room. I landed on my stomach laughing. I haven't done anything like this since I was a kid.

"You're a human mop!" He laughed as he walked over to me. Before he reached me I climbed to my feet.

"Ha. Ha. You are so funny." The sarcasm dripped off my words as I brushed the dust off my pants.

"Race me?" I said as I lined myself beside him.

"Your on." He laughed as we both began sprinting across the room.

"STOP!" Draco yelled as we both glided across the floor. I had a bit of a head start so Draco was slightly behind me. But he had way more momentum than me. I felt his chest crash into mine as my back slammed into the wall. His hands were on either side of my head as his silver eyes glinted down at me. We both stood frozen, staring at each other. Butterflies quickly flew through my stomach as I stared at his sharp, shaved jaw line. This moment reminded me of when Draco helped me sneak out of the castle to see Fred. We where so close that night. Closer then how we stood now. I shouldn't have left that night. Knowing what I know now, looking back, I made all of the wrong decisions. I should of just stayed with Draco that night. Perhaps this all would have played out differently, with less hurt to go around. Hermione words floated through my mind.

"If you loved Severus, truly loved him. You wouldn't have that twinkle in your eye for Draco." Even without Hermione telling me that, I knew deep down I had feelings for him. I just... Shoved them down because I wanted that fantasy with Severus... Though, I don't think im ready to admit this. Atleast not out loud.

Suddenly, Draco pulled away from me, his happy expression wavering. I could tell he was overthinking about something. Perhaps that's why he had decided to leave the dinner table so early.

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