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I was sitting in potions, watching Severus give a lecture to the class

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I was sitting in potions, watching Severus give a lecture to the class. I had told Draco and Harry about my new title as Professor Snape's assistant. Draco couldn't stop himself from laughing. He thought it was hysterical that I was going to be the "teacher's pet", and that I'd have to do whatever he tells me. Though in my mind, that didn't seem like it was a bad thing at all. Harry, on the other hand, felt sympathy for me. In his eyes, he thought Snape had it out for me, which he did. Just not in the same way he was thinking. Though they both had opposite reactions to the information I had told them, they both seemed genuinely excited about the opportunities it was giving me. Personally, I didn't care to much about the opportunity. I was more excited about my alone time with Severus. Is it bad that I am putting a man before my own self worth? Probably, but I can't help loving him more than I love myself. He paced around the class, his cape gracefully flowing around his feet as he walked. His black locks barely resting against his shoulders, framing his face and jaw line effortlessly. I took in his voice, it sounded like a low rumble, almost like music. To explain it further, it sounded like a peaceful melody to my ear, swarming me in comfort with its soft, warming tones. When he passed by my seat, his scent wafted towards me.That same smell of potions, books, and sweetness engulfed me once again. I rested my chin in my hand, becoming more and more relaxed by the second. I felt my eyes flutter shut as I let my mind wander to the thought of our first kiss.

"(Y/n)" Harry whispered as he elbowed me in the side.

"What?" I snapped at him. Angered that he had abruptly startled me, taking me away from the fantasy I was conjuring in my mind. I then heard someone clear their throat. I looked in front of me to see Severus standing with his arms folded.

"Oh! Uh- what was that now?" I asked, feeling my face beginning to grow hot.

"Pay... Attention..." Was all he said before continuing on with his lesson. He didn't look at me while he spoke, instead he averted his gaze. That wasn't like him at all. With any other student, they wouldn't have gotten away with just a mere warning. But I wasn't any other student was I?

"Damn. Do you get special treatment for being an assistant? If that was anyone else you would have detention." Harry whispered over to me, amazed that I wasn't being punished for dozing off during class. Though, I honestly wouldn't mind if he were to give me detention. Alone time with him? 'I think I would rather enjoy that.' Right as that thought settled in my mind, by books where pushed off the table by nothing at all, disrupting the entire class. I jumped, startled and bewildered by what just happened before my eyes... Severus turned abruptly, glaring in my direction. Was he actually mad at me?

"Professor, I-"

"That's detention, Ms. (L/n)." I could feel my fellow students prying eyes seething into my flesh. I couldn't stop the embarssment from flushing my entire face. Snape turned, as he drew his wand, making papers fly across the room, one landing in front of each student. He continued on with the class as if nothing had happened. I'm glad he could move on so quickly,  but, my ears were still burning with embarrassment. Was embarrassing me his way of flirting while in class? I shook the thought away as I took out my wand and muttered a quick spell. My books lifted themselves in the air, hovering back to where they previously were placed.

I Am Your Teacher (Severus Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now