I'm Happy For Him

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Before I walked into my room I had tucked Draco's scarf underneath my clothing so Hermione wouldn't see it

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Before I walked into my room I had tucked Draco's scarf underneath my clothing so Hermione wouldn't see it. I didn't want to ruin her day by showing her how truly upset I was about going to our ceremony. When I walked in Hermione's hands were held in her hair, she was attempting to braid her bangs. She turned and gasped when she noticed me.

"(Y/n)! Where were you last night?" She dropped her hands taking me into a hug, this caused her progress with her hair to fall out. I hugged her back as I still felt that light from the enchantment flooding through me. I thought back on last night, on everything that I had done and shared with Severus. I couldn't hide the beaming grin that felt permanent on my lips. Just the thought of him seemed to have spread joy throughout my entire self. I only focused on all the positive outcomes and to be honest, I wish my brain worked like this naturally. If I even tried to think about him leaving or about what was going to happen to us, it felt like it was immediately ripped away from me.

"I stayed with Professor Snape last night." After I was done speaking Hermione stared at me, her eyes as wide as saucers when she took a hold of my shoulders. Her mouth was held slightly open as a half huff, and a half laugh escaped her.

"How was it?" She grinned as she turned to me. My face matched her expression as I fell on to my bed, letting out a romantic sigh of approval.

"It was bloody incredible." We both started giggling as Hermione sat next to my laying form.

"You seem so cheerful? I thought you would be an absolute mess today, I even prepared for it." She pulled out a small box of tissues and began pulling them out at super speed, letting them fly around the room. It was a never-ending supply. She really was the best. I laughed while I sat up and gave her a sideways hug, I watched the white tissue float around us until it eventually fell to the floor.

"Thanks for the thought, but I'm good." I drew out the word 'good' as if I actually meant it, which I did. But if I took off this scarf, I think I would appreciate those tissues a little bit more. Was it wrong for me to hide my emotions? Actually, the real question is- is it healthy? I had given Draco that gift to help calm him whenever he got angry... but to suppress yourself from a type of mourning seemed, wrong in some ways. Though, it did help... Hermione stared at me with a small smile displayed on her features. I stared right back at her, confused about why she was acting weird. It was only quiet for a moment before she explained herself.

"Was this just like... a long, drawn-out booty call?" She laughed as I softly hit her arm. I shook my head as I thought for a moment. It wasn't that at all... Severus and I had something much more special than that between us. Though for this situation, I'll guess I'll have to pretend it was nothing more than that. It should make it easier on myself in the long run.

"I guess so." I laughed as I thought back on how amazing last night was. If I closed my eyes I could imagine the way his body felt on mine. How his moist lips pressed into my skin and the sweetening smell that he carried with him everywhere. Hermione playfully rolled her eyes at me as she stood, walking back over to our mirror as she attempted to braid her hair again.

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