Just Two Weeks

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Draco stood when he noticed me walking towards him

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Draco stood when he noticed me walking towards him. A grin strung across his face when his silver eyes scanned me.

"I was wondering when you would come by." Draco started walking over to me. He seemed overly excited, he was bouncing with each step he took.

"Here I am."

"Are you ready to open the greatest gift ever?" He smirked at me as he gestured towards the green box that was sitting in my usual seat.

"It better not be alive." I laughed as he shook his head, practically shoving me towards the gift. He hovered close behind me as I unwrapped it to reveal a black velvet clothing box. I lifted the lid and pulled out a beautiful, white fur coat.

"This is gorgeous... you didn't have to..." I was stunned at the gift he had gotten me, it really was amazing... Draco took it from my hands, holding it open for me to try it on.

"Now when we meet outside for lunch you don't have to steal my coat." He laughed as he pulled it over my arms. It was long. The coat ended just above my knees and it was incredibly soft on my skin. I've never owned anything like it before.

"I also made sure I got your favorite color." He smiled as he watched me examine his gift that was now wrapped around me. I lifted the coat to my face, letting the fur touch my cheek. As I did this, the faint smell of Draco's musk swept over me. I looked at him, a knowing smile placed on my features.

"I enchanted it to smell like me. You know, 'cause I smell so good.'" He laughed before winking at me so I shoved him with my shoulder.

"You are such a dork... but I love it. Thank you, Draco." I smiled broadly as I pulled out a silver box, handing it to him. His eyes twinkled as he opened it. He pulled out a scarlet red scarf.

"This is expensive..." He said as he held it in his hands, setting down the box it was previously in.

"Hush. It's not about the price. Besides, I'm sure my gift cost much more." He smiled at me as he embraced me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." Was all he said as he held me. Though some part of me didn't think he was thanking me for the scarf. The hug seemed to have lasted longer than I thought was necessary, but he seemed to enjoy it. I always stand by my simple rule. 'When you hug someone, always be the last to let go. Because you never know how much that person needs it.' Draco hesitantly pulled away from me, looking down at his scarf.

"It's red to show your pride for Gryffindor." I laughed as he smirked at me.

"My pride? Maybe not for Gryffindor, but I'm proud to be your friend." He smirked as he wrapped it around his neck.

"Woah..." He gasped as he held the ends of the fabric in his hands.

"I had it enchanted to release serotonin in the wearer's brain... so whoever wears it, it will bring them happiness. Even if the saddest person on earth put it on, as long as they don't take it off it would make them happy forever." Draco seemed shocked when I explained what it was for. I could already tell it was working on him. He had that smile of his that was as bright as the sun plastered on his face.

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