It Doesn't Matter

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I woke up early the next morning, thoughts of Severus ran through my mind

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I woke up early the next morning, thoughts of Severus ran through my mind. I wonder if I was really going to see him today or not. Usually, on Saturday's Hermione and I skip breakfast and sleep in. Though, because I couldn't sleep last night, I woke up quite early and figured I'd head down for breakfast. Hermione had already been asleep by the time I came back to our room last night. Seeing how I wasn't given the chance to talk to her, I don't want to worry her with my absent when she wakes up. I quickly jotted down a note.


I couldn't sleep any longer so I'm gonna go for a walk. I'll see you later and you can tell me how your night with Ron!

Love, (Y/n)'

Alright, that should do it. There wasn't any class today, so I didn't have to wear my uniform. I slipped on a red plaid skirt, mainly because I was too lazy to put on pants. Then I threw on a white fluffy sweater, put on my black flats and made my way to the common room. Just as I was about to walk out I heard my name being called. It was Ron. He was the last person I expected to see. Normally, he sleeps in the latest out of all four of us.

"Where were you last night? Harry and Hermione were freaking out."

"I just needed some air. I wasn't feeling like myself is all." I said as Ron nodded with a knowing smile.

"I heard about what Draco said... If it makes you feel any better, Will ended up punching him a good seven times!" He was trying to make me feel better, how sweet.

"Did he?" I laughed.

"It was wicked."

"Is he okay?" I asked, suddenly concerned about what Draco may have done to poor Will.

"Yeah, Draco didn't leave a scratch on him! No one's ever gonna let him forget that he got beat up by a 5th year!" I chuckled a bit. I really hope Malfoy's defeat overpowers the gossiping about what he called me last night. That's the last thing I needed, unnecessary rumors.

"That's good. I'm heading to breakfast, do you want to come?" I politely asked. I haven't been able to talk to Ron in quite some time.

"Nah, I'm gonna get a few more hours asleep. I just got up for some water." I laughed a bit at his words. I nodded, about to leave.

"Oh and (N/n), Don't even pay any attention to what Malfoy said. Nobody thinks that." Ron said, a serious tone in his voice.

"Thank you." I gave him a sad smile before I left the common room. I walked down the corridor, making my way down one flight of stairs. I wonder what would be for breakfast this morning? I haven't gone to breakfast on a Saturday morning in quite some time. As I started heading down the second set of stairs, it started to move. I lost my balance, stumbling over my own feet until I caught myself with the handrail. 'Great. Now I'm heading the complete opposite direction.' I guess I'll have to find my way back. I finished walking down the stairs and noticed that I was now in a corridor I have never been to before. It seemed...murky almost like no one has been here in years. A chill ran up my spine with a sudden feeling of someone watching me. Someone then whispered my name. Startling me in the process.

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