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It was Saturday morning and Hermione and I were getting ready for the day

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It was Saturday morning and Hermione and I were getting ready for the day. I had finally decided to tell her about my little endeavor with Severus yesterday. I told her how he wanted me to meet with him at noon. I could tell she still seemed put off by the idea that I was dating one of our teachers but I'm glad that she has come to terms with it so easily. After I told her, I could have sworn she was more excited about his surprise that I was. I was actually slightly more nervous than I was excited about the whole thing. I never knew what to expect when it came to Severus. Either way, I know I'll have a good time, I always do when I'm with him. It's almost like when we are together all the stress in my life vanishes. From what I witnessed yesterday with our little talk in that empty classroom, he felt the same way as me.

I found myself fretting over what I should wear today. Normally that's not something that would bother me, but for some reason, I felt like it mattered. Of course, I didn't know what Severus was planning so I decided to wear a soft, buttercup yellow sweater with some jeans. Cute and practical right? Though Hermione really wanted me to dress up more, I didn't feel comfortable doing so. I didn't want Severus thinking I was expecting more than he had to offer... If that makes any sense? Hermione still talked me into letting her curl my hair. She even had me put on a light dusting of makeup as well. I didn't mind though, I kinda agree I should at least make it look like I was trying for him. After all of our huffing about my so-called "date". Which I wasn't even sure if it was that, we both finally made our way to breakfast.


When we turned the corner the first thing I heard was shouting, then I noticed a crowd gathering around the center of the hallway. Both Hermione and I stared at one another when we heard a voice yelling. It sounded like Harry. We ran into the crowd pushing past all the other students until we came to the center. Their standing before me was Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, their wands were drawn towards each other. Great, what could these two possibly be fighting about now?

"(Y/n)! Good. Tell this bloke I'm not sleeping with you!" Draco yelled to me. Instantly, I felt all the color drain from my face. What the fuck did he just say to me? I noticed Harry look at me for a moment, almost as if he was trying to read my thoughts.

"I knew it," Harry muttered like he saw something in me that wasn't even there to begin with. Now, nothing but anger was expressed on my features. Harry lifted his wand, preparing to cast an offensive spell towards Draco.

"Expelliarmus!" I cast as I quickly stepped in front of the blonde, I watched Harry's wand fly out of his grasp.

"Will you guys bloody quit it! I'm sick of babysitting the two of you!" I yelled, letting my intense glare shift between the two boys.

"He started it," Draco muttered as he studied the ground like he was a child being scolded.

"Well maybe if you kept your hands off of her!-"

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