I Am Thankful (Fred)

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Since my talk with Ron, he has gotten Hermione, Will, and both Draco and Harry trying to get me to go out and have some fun

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Since my talk with Ron, he has gotten Hermione, Will, and both Draco and Harry trying to get me to go out and have some fun. All of them, individually, may I add, have all tried taking me to Hogsmeade. Finally, I had enough of it and agreed to go. But only as a group! So, today we are all planned on going out to eat and maybe getting some butterbeer along with it. Hopefully, tonight can be simple for a change. Simple and fun. Which, honestly is something I needed right about now. Though everyone seemed to be acting quite odd. There was something off, making me feel skeptical about their desires about taking me out. Perhaps it's because they are all going together. It is a bit strange seeing how a few of them rarely get along as it is. Ron isn't the biggest fan of William. And of course, Draco and Harry have always had that feud between them that never has made sense to me. Perhaps it wasn't the best idea to go in a big group... But they all did invite me and I didn't want anyone thinking I was choosing anyone over the other. Though what was the most unusual was the way Draco was acting. Normally I can never get him to shut his mouth and right now he was being abnormally quiet. Finally, when we made it to the restaurant we all sat at a big round table. After we all ordered what we wanted I decided to break the awkward silence that was surrounding us all.

    "Why are you all acting so strange?" I asked. It was only a moment before someone spoke while they all took turns glancing at one another. Something was going on and it was beginning to make me nervous. If it was a good plan, they all would be acting excited. Which means they may be planning something that I'm not gonna like.

    "Well, it's just been a while since we have gotten to hang out with you (y/n)," Ron said, but it wasn't long before Draco interrupted, not letting anyone else have the chance to say something.

    "What a load of rubbish. We shouldn't have done this without asking her first."

    "Done what?" My heartfelt as though it had skipped a beat as I watched Draco stand. He held his hand out to me, gesturing to me to follow him. Nervous about what was going on, I accepted. I had no idea what they were trying to accomplish, but from the looks of things, it may be something I am not going to enjoy.

    "Follow me, I'll let you know what's going on and if you are uncomfortable with, I'll take you back-"

    "Draco we had an agreement!" Harry piped in, again arguing with Draco like always. Except for this time I am completely in the dark about WHAT they are fighting about. As they fought I walked around Draco. I was starting to feel a bit annoyed with this entire situation. Why would they think this would cheer me up? I've always hated it when everyone was upset and that's what this entire trip has been. Everyone is uncomfortable. Perhaps I should just go. Then I glanced at the door and realized what they were planning. The first thing that caught my eye was the sunlight lighting up the red hair that was covering a bit of Fred's forehead. I stopped dead in my tracks. His face blanks as he stared at me, and I am sure I had a similar expression written on my mind as well. There it was. Rushing at me all at once. That warm, welcoming feeling of 'home'. Something I've never had. My lips pulled into an irresistible smile as his honey brown eyes squinted into a smile, matching mine. Before I had time to process the emotions I was feeling, I was pulled into the warmth of Fred's arms.

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