Fredrick Weasley

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The rest of the week went by fairly quickly

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The rest of the week went by fairly quickly. Harry had apologize and so had Ronald, now that he thinks I'm dating his brother he's been acting quite weird around me. I didn't think much of it though. Before we got on the Hogwarts express, Fred had made a scene... in front of everyone. He had given me a bouquet of daisies and lifted me in to a big hug. He had whispered into my neck:

"Now that we have spent so much time together, just consider me okay?" When his breath touched my skin my face had flushed a deep red. I nodded before making my way onto the train. Fred had courted me for the remainder of the break, putting on a show for everyone. Though it seemed like it was more than just a front for others. I think he was trying to win me over. Honestly, if I wasn't so in love with Severus, I may actually consider it. He was so kind to me. He never once made me feel awkward or obligated to feel a certain way and he made it very clear that all he wanted was for me to be happy. I don't understand why it can be acceptable for me to date Fred but not Severus. He was only one year younger than him. I know Snape is my teacher but why does that have to matter so much? Why does it have to affect what happens with us after I graduate? I sat in an empty seat on the train, seeing that my little show with Fred had caused the others to get in before me. Their seating was full so I had to sit alone. Not five minutes had passed before Hermione had joined me.

"There you are. I couldn't get a minute alone with you all break because of Frederick! What is going on?" She asked. I could tell she was agitated but she didn't come off rude. She seemed more concerned than anything.

"I'm not dating Fred. He just did that to get Harry to back off." I was honest with her. From now on i'm gonna try to tell Hermione the truth about everything. Well, almost everything. I still don't think it would be a good idea to mention that I'm dating the potions master.

"Makes sense... It's gonna be hard for you to get with Draco now though. After that little scene you two just pulled... are you sure there's nothing going on between you and Fred?... I saw the way you looked at him" Hermione smirked at me as she nudged my shoulder. I could tell she would support that relationship just by the way she looked at me. What did she mean by that though? The look on my face? I didn't look at him differently! Or... did I?

No, no way.

"I don't think so... At least, not for me."

"Oh come on! We could both date Weasley's! We would technically be family!" I laughed at her thought. Of course she would think about that. I guess that's more of a reason to consider him if Severus and I can't make things work... That hurts just to think about. I don't even want to imagine how my life would be without him.

"So what are you gonna tell Draco?" She asked as we control our laughter.

"The truth obviously." There was no reason to lie to Draco about my fake relationship. No matter what Hermione thought, I don't think he likes me in that way. I mean his gift was sweet but I also got him something equally as kind and I didn't have feeling for him. If anything, I'd probably trust to tell Draco the truth... even over Hermione.

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