Mr. Malfoy (Draco)

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A few days have passed, living with the Malfoy's has been incredibly wonderful

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A few days have passed, living with the Malfoy's has been incredibly wonderful. Draco's parents have treated me with respect and have made me feel as though I belong here. Though I must say since I have been here, my thoughts have been confusing. Ever since Draco tried to kiss me he has completely backed off. I mean, we still joke around and talk like always. But there has been no hugging or hand-holding. Not even a sideways glance in my direction. It was almost relieving, but for some reason, it also upset me. I couldn't get Hermione's words out of my mind. I've noticed my thoughts have seemed to wander away from Severus and often lingerie on what Draco. Perhaps it because of this sudden space he has put between us, but I can't seem to help wonder what he is thinking. Over the last week, I have been waking up every morning to read out in the garden, sitting underneath one of the cherry trees. The scent seems to fill me with ease and contentment as I let my fingers flip through the soft pages of my book.

"One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the courage to let go of what you can't change." The words on the page played through my mind. My eyes glazed over has everything became blurry through my eyes. Why was I letting this bother me so much? If it wasn't meant to be then why am I wasting my time being sad over him? I'm not gonna keep hurting myself for him. I deserve better.

"Ms. (L/n)?" The voice of Mr. Malfoy rang out in front of me. I looked up to see his figure look so... dark compared to his cheerful surroundings.

"Please sir, it's (Y/n)."

"Very well, (Y/n). may I?" A soft smile laid across his lips as he pointed the grass that sat beside me. To shocked to speak I just nodded as I watched him kneel down and take a seat beside me. It was quiet for a moment and I couldn't find the courage to look at him so I kept my eyes studying the book that laid in my hands. I pretended to read, not being able to focus as my mind went blank because of my nerves. Why was he sitting here?

"There not many people that we accept into our him (Y/n)." I focused on his words as he spoke with what seemed to be caution. My heart rate quickened as I looked at him. Those same silver eyes as Draco's except his were lined with age.

"I know Sir. I apologize if I have caused any trouble."

"Don't apologize." His words cut in after mine.

"Your company has been a pleasure. I just wished to enlighten you." Confusion swept my mind as he spoke. I stared at him, frightened about what he was going to say next. This was odd... isn't it?

"Enlighten me about what?"

"As I said, there are very few people we welcome into our home with such ease. There are fewer people that we are willing to accept into our family." Silence followed his voice as the fluttering voices of birds were heard around us. I clenched my book in my hands, still confused about the point he was trying to get across.

"My wife and I just want you to know... that if you and Draco decide to..." He gestured into the air as if he was afraid to finish his sentence.

"Be together. You have our blessing." He stood, leaving me in complete shock. They want me to date their son...

"Are you coming?" I looked up to see Mr. Malfoy staring at me over his shoulder.

"Well, don't just sit there. Don't you want some breakfast?" I could hear a playful tone in his voice as he said this. I'm not sure why, but his words actually comforted me. Perhaps... I do like Draco. Otherwise, why would the conversation make me feel... comfortable? If I didn't have those intentions, then shouldn't it of stressed me out? I couldn't help but smile as I stood, slightly skipping to catch up to him. I looked up at Draco's father to see a small smile playing on his lips.

"Thank you, sir." I grinned as I spoke. He only nodded as we walked into the manor.

We walked into the dining area and the first thing I notice is Mrs. Malfoys smile, then Draco's shocked expression. I quickly take my seat next to my blonde best friend. Still not sure how I am feeling at the moment. It's quiet at the tab;e as we all eat. His parents are having a small discussion at the table, but Draco still looks a little weirded out. I, on the other hand, am still confused about how to feel about everything that has happened. Draco finished eating and quickly stood. He left without saying anything to me. I shoveled last of my food into my mouth before I excused myself to follow him out of the room. I fast walked, wondering where he could have disappeared too. Then I saw him making his way down the hallway, towards his bedroom. Now I was jogging trying to catch up to him. I pushed myself a little harder as I slapped myself into him.

"What are you doing?" He asked as I made him wrap his arm around my shoulders.

"Just wanting to hang out with my best friend"

"Oh yeah?" I nodded as he took his arm away from me, folding them across his chest.

"Yeah. Let's do something! I'm bored."

"There's nothing to do (Y/n)." He chuckled as a small smile appeared on his face. I needed to do something. I feel... happy finally. I just wanna do something... stupid.

"What!? This place is huge! I'm sure we can find something." I grabbed Draco's hand and began pulling him in a random direction. I had no idea where I was going. But I was gonna find something for us to do. No matter how dumb it was. I just need to be silly with my best friend. I need to clear my head.

 I need to clear my head

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So sorry for such the long wait on this next chapter! Kind of fell out of the writing scene there for a bit. I just haven't been feeling it lately. But I'm hopefully back!! Thank you all of such to great feed back and all the positive comments! It really is inspiring me to keep going <3 I'm currently working on re writing this book to be make it an original story! Then I will be self publishing it on amazon! So wish me luck with that! OF course it'll be different than this. I'm gonna make a lot of changes so its it own story but rather inspired by this! :0 <3 But thank you all so much for the inspiration! I truly appreciate it! I'm gonna try getting back in the swing of things hopefully I will be posting more chapters on a  better schedule!

Comment, Vote and Follow me please! I appreciate the reads! <3<3<3

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