Cleansweep (Fred)

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I raked my hands through my hair, scratching my scalp as I did. If I go, who knows what will happen tonight, especially with the way my mind seems to be reacting to everything. But if I stay, Ronald would surely suspect something... Plus, if I don't go... I'll always be curious about what could have happened. I guess there was no need for a distraction on Draco's end. My path was clear as I gazed around the side of the wall. I watched my blonde friend's eyes catch my hiding spot as he passes by me, giving me a thumbs-up before heading off to the dining hall. Severus was nowhere in sight. To be honest with myself, I am slightly disappointed.

Apart of me wishes I knew if he had known about this date with Fred or not. Either he knows and simply doesn't care or he is oblivious to the entire situation. Which personally, I would think to be impossible. I tried my best to be as obnoxious about my date as much as I could of without getting the attention of professors who could actually get me into trouble. Not that Snape can't get me into trouble, he just wouldn't dare. I have too much holding over him. Not that I would ever do that to him, or anyone for that matter. But if I wanted to, I could practically end everything for him with just a simple visit to Dumbledore's office.

Perhaps I shouldn't go tonight. It may not be smart of me to leave after my first fight with Severus. Then again. We really shouldn't be seeing each other in the first place. And if I am being honest with myself, I miss Fred. Christmas break was such a light-hearted and fun vacation thanks to him. He really did make me relax and forget about all the boy drama I have here at Hogwarts. Or should I say Professor drama? Trying to be in a relationship with Severus has been putting so much strain on me. I'm constantly worried and stressed over everything. I'm not able to say his first name, look at him the wrong way, or even talk about him. Which I understand. I know I shouldn't have told my friends about our relationship. He just puts so much stress on me, I feel as though I may burst at the seams at times. Then not to mention how angry he was at me when he found out I had told someone. I completely understand why he was so upset, but I didn't like the feeling he gave me or the tone he used to speak to me. The way he acted just, didn't feel right. It was almost like he was a different person.

I made my decision. I took in a deep breath and tried to push my thoughts about Severus far from my mind. This wasn't a date I was heading off to. I was on my way to go see a friend. Anyways, it'll be nice to fly on my broom for a while and get out of this stressful castle. I sprinted down the corridor, it was a longer run then I had anticipated. I pushed through the doors, hearing them slam themselves shut behind me. I was louder than I had hoped to be but thankfully it didn't seem like anyone was around to here. Especially with all the noise coming from the great hall, I don't believe Filch is close enough to hear the doors close. At least, I hope he isn't.

"Accio Cleansweep" I summoned my broom and not a moment later I heard it pushing through the air as it made its way to me. It sounded like a faint, continuous whip as it soared through the wind. Without letting it stop and hover I jumped on, flying away towards Diagon Alley. The wind felt nice caressing my skin. I closed my eyes briefly, letting a peaceful moment of silence pass through my mind. I have forgotten how much I enjoy being alone. Away from everyone's dumb feelings and petty drama. The night felt nice. It wasn't cold and the fresh air felt so refreshing. The thought of ditching Fred and flying all night came to mind. Though I didn't dare do that to him. Either way, I truly am excited to see him.


I hopped off my broom, a bit saddened by the absents of the wind touching my face... I stared ahead at the joke shop while holding my nose, attempting to warm it. I read the giant sign that held the shops' name: 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes". There was a small sign on the door that said closed. Oddly, the store looked as if it was open, Besides there being no customers inside. In fact, I don't think they have ever closed this early before... It was only six o'clock. Through the glass window, I saw Fred making his way over to open the door for me. My heart began to race, I quickly fixed my hair that had been blown all over the place from flying all the way here on a broom. Why did I care so much about how I looked for Fred? I hushed the thought in my mind as I straightened out my shirt right before the door flew open.

"Good evening Ms." Fred slightly bowed, giving me a full view of his fiery red hair. I gave myself some time to look at him. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black tie, matching his pants. Did he dress up for me? For some reason, my insides grew warm at that thought. I think I may have missed him... He lifted his arm, gesturing for me to link mine with his. Of course, I obliged and I didn't even try to fight away the smile that grew on my lips as I walked inside. I couldn't help but overthink to myself as a hollow feeling entered my stomach. It wasn't quite the rush of butterflies, but it wasn't comforting either. It felt like guilt. What did I have to feel guilty for anyway? It's not like I was cheating on Severus. He was the one who ended it with me...And Fredrick is only my friend.


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