Malfoy's Words

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I looked pass Harry to see neatly parted dark brown hair

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I looked pass Harry to see neatly parted dark brown hair. I could tell Harry was now irritated with our current situation.

"Mind if I have a dance with the lovely lady?" It was William. Harry was just about to shove him away, but he was too quick. I was in his arms in an instant. I was thankful to be taken away at the moment. This would give me some time to think about what I was going to tell Harry.

"One dance and I'll bring her right back," Will said, Harry's eyes shot to mine. He looked as though he had apologized with just a simple glance. I looked into the green eyes before me. I've never been this close to William before. He was taller than Harry. It really was strange that I looked at him as if he was still a kid. He obviously wasn't. Maybe it was just because he and his friends still acted as if they were. Will spun me around, a smile formed on my lips.

"Sorry, figured I'd save you from my brother's horrible pick up lines." I laughed, not even trying to hide the humor I saw in his joke.

"He didn't look like he was doing to well of a job."

"He wasn't" I smiled as we danced. I was aware of the song now. Why couldn't I hear it before?

"Are you.- Interested in my brother?" Will's words came out of nowhere.

"No." The word slipped out of my mouth before I had a chance to think. That most likely wasn't the best way to handle that situation.

"Good... now, do you have a thing for me?" He asked. Great.

"...No... you guys are my friends," I said, not wanting to look at him. I didn't want to see him hurt by my own words.

"Do you like anyone-... Like that?" Why must he ask these ridiculous questions? Especially now. I really don't want to talk about any of this with anyone. I just want to bottle my feeling and forget about everything.

"I'll see you later Will," I said, leaving the boy to dance alone. The Potter boy's tonight were a handful. Before I could even take two steps away I felt William grab my wrist.

"You do have a thing for someone! Who is it?" I yanked away from his hold, trying to escape the conversation. Before I could find my way back to Harry, a set of light blonde hair that I knew all too well came into view.

"It must be me." Draco grinned.

"In your dreams." I attempted to step around him, but he blocked my path.

"So there is someone then?" I kept my face held down, Will was standing just behind me. A few eyes stared in my direction. A small audience took notice.

"Tell me, (Y/n). Why lead all these guys on when you obviously won't be giving any of them a chance." Malfoy's words angered me. It's been a while since I have felt enraged with another human being. Granted, the last time it happened I was ironically dealing with the same immature, foulsome Slytherin.

"I haven't led anybody on. It's not my fault you boys think with what in your pants instead of what's between your ears." My voice was laced with venom and I could feel my anger burning at the tips of my ears.

"You know what I think? I think you're a little slut, who gets their jollies off of hurting others." The word 'slut' cut through the air, piercing into me. I tend to take Draco's remarks with a grain of salt but this hurt. I didn't know what to do.

"All you do is hurt others, you better watch your mouth Malfoy!." Will defended me, drawing his wand. I slipped away. I didn't want to be here anymore. I couldn't take the pressure that was building up in my chest. I found Harry.

"What's wrong?" At first, he smiled, but when he noticed my state, he looked concerned.

"I uh- I'm gonna go... I'm sorry." I tried to explain, but I could feel tears prickling at my eyes. My nose began to sting as I tried desperately to hold back my feelings. I turned, making a beeline for the door. I didn't give Harry time to protest my decision.

I ran through the halls of the school until I came to a passageway. I didn't know where I was going, all I knew was that I had to go. I needed to be alone. The passageway led outside of the castle. It was forbidden to be outside at this time at night, but currently, I didn't care. I could see the Whomping Willow in the distance. The moon was full, letting cold rays of light illuminate my surroundings. I put some distance between the castle and myself before I sat in the grass. My dress heaping around me in bunches of rippling silk. I let my eyes burn as tears flooded my vision. I kicked off the little black heels that were on my feet. Why am I taking Draco's words so to heart? Normally, I never let anything he says bother me this much. Was it because I agreed? What Malfoy said I do, is the one thing I hated about myself. I hated hurting others, but what choice do I have in the matter? My thoughts swirled around. 'And does it make me a slut for liking a teacher?'. I sprawled out onto my back, stretching my limbs. I stayed put until my tears dried against my cheeks. The slightly damp grass tickled my arms as I let the green blades run through my fingers. I took in a deep breath, feeling content for the first time tonight.


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Hey Guys!! Kinda a short chapter I know! But I am uploading a longer one right after in just a few moments! :)

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