The Black Envelope

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It was Monday morning, yesterday Hermione wouldn't let me out of her sight

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It was Monday morning, yesterday Hermione wouldn't let me out of her sight. She was absolutely certain that I was upset and needed to talk through things. I didn't tell her anything about what happened between Professor Snape and me, I know it would only freak her out. Mainly my weekend consisted of an overly dramatic me, complaining about Draco. Hermione wouldn't allow me to say I was fine, so I had to come up with some excuse to why I had been avoiding everyone. All four of was walked to the dining hall. It was the first time I had seen Harry since the dance and believe me, it was quite awkward. He wouldn't even look at me. I wonder if Will had told him what I said. When we got to our table, there was a black envelope resting where I normally sit. There was dark, green Slytherin wax sealing it shut. I picked it up immediately, reading my name that was scrolled across the parchment in white lettering. Severus wouldn't write to me like this right? Anyone could have taken this.

"Who's that from (Y/n)?" I heard Ron asked as we took a seat. For the first time today, Harry looked over at me, studying the letter I was holding in my hands. Hermione just stared at me oddly. I had all three pairs of eyes on me, one looking concerned, one looking rather jealous and the other looking excited. I didn't know what to do. What if this was a letter from Severus? I couldn't just read in front of them. Hermione would yank it away from me as soon as I started blushing. And if this was a letter from him, then, believe me, it would happen.

"Well go on then, open it!" Ron motioned to me as he began shoveling pancakes into his cheeks. I took a deep breath, broke the seal and read it.

"What the bloody hell is this?" I questioned out loud, rereading the letter once more. I only got halfway through it before Hermione had taken it away from me. I knew she would do that. She then proceeded to read it out loud.

' Dear (Y/n),


Please accept my sincere apology for making a scene at the formal gathering. I didn't mean what I said. I was upset that you had turned down my offer and instead arrive with Potter. I would also like to apologize for the last few years. You see, I don't really understand why I do what I do. All I know is that I'm sorry. I know you will most likely never forgive me, but that's okay. I just figured you should know the truth. I like you (Y/n). Ever since the Zabini incident. I just didn't know how to put into words how I was feeling, I was also afraid that what happened to him would happen to me. Anyways, I truly am sorry.

P.s: To prove it, I even let Potter's little brother beat me up.

You're Welcome, Draco Malfoy.'

Both Harry and Ron began hysterically laughing, Hermione attempted to hold back her laugh but failed. I couldn't help but join in with them. This was absolutely ridiculous.

"Malfoy's mental, I tell ya!" Ron gasped between fits of laughter.

"Yeah and a coward!" Harry slapped his hand against the table, attempting to contain his joy.

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