Breaking (Draco)

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Younger students rushed past me, practically excited to rid the train ride and school behind

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Younger students rushed past me, practically excited to rid the train ride and school behind. We are home. Echoing laughter filled the station, all from the excited witches and wizards being able to see their families again. I never remember being excited to come home from Hogwarts but perhaps that was because I never had a home to turn to. This feels weird. For the first time in my life, I don't have the secure though of being able to return to Hogwarts in the following year. I don't have the comfort of the orphanage, not that there was much comfort in that place anyways. I feel a light squeeze on my shoulder as I turn to see Draco's silver eyes holding a saddened smile. I had said my goodbyes to my friends on the train ride.

Thankfully, Draco had decided to sit with us, that way I could see all of my best friends in one place for hopefully not the last time. Thanks to the enchanted scarf I hadn't shed a tear, but one feeling it did not protect against was my nerves. My throat was beginning to feel itchy thinking about meeting Draco's parents for the first time. I was going to be living with them. And to be honest, I didn't know what to make from all the rumors I had heard. Perhaps they are just misunderstood, exactly how Draco was. My blonde friend had wrapped his arm around my shoulder as we walked down the side of the train. Instantly, I saw Mr. Malfoy. He was hard to miss. The way he held his posture reminded me so much of his son, plus I couldn't ignore their matching platinum hair.

"Mother, father. This is (Y/n)." He had introduced me so formally that it almost felt awkward. I could feel his father's stare glaring down at my form. Before I could make a sound I felt his mother's hands rest on my shoulders.

"It's so nice to finally meet you, dear." She had wrapped me in a hug and I hesitantly returned it. I was slightly embarrassed because I did not expect such a warm welcoming. Well, I didn't really know what I was expecting.

"It's nice to meet you too," I replied as I watched her orbs scan my form in an uncomfortable manner. There was a small smile tugging at her lips as if she was proud. Proud of what? I'm not sure...

"She is as beautiful as you described Draco." I couldn't help but grin at her words as I looked to my friend to see his normally pale face now tinted a light pink.


"Awe! Draco, you think I'm pretty?" I laughed as I nudged his side. Despite his embarrassment, he still smiled down at me. After an unspoken moment passed between us, I then returned my attention back to his parents. I saw a faint smirk resting on his father lips. For some odd reason, I felt like that may have been a rare sight to behold.

"Draco has spoken very highly of you Ms. (L/n). So please, make yourself at home. Now... shall we?" The older man lifted his walking stick, pointing towards the exit. Without any further conversation, we all strolled together out of the train station. That went better than I was expecting. I couldn't wipe the small smile that was playing on my face. Draco must have told them a lot about me... I'm surprised. I didn't think he would of. I thought he would have been ashamed to be friends with a Gryffindor... I guess not. I can't lie, it felt nice to know this.

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