Extremely Inappropriate

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GUYYYSSS!!! I've reached 200 Followers!!! Thank you all so much for supporting my writing and I'm more than happy that you all are enjoying this story as much as I am!! I was originally so worried to upload it because I thought people would hate it lol!! But to celebrate I wrote an extra special chapter today... still a bit nervous to upload this one but it has to be done. A lot of you are starting to fall for either Draco or Fred, so- hopefully, Severus will win you over in this one... XD Please let me know what you think about this chapter!! <3


I sat in my chair in the potions classroom, patiently waiting for the students to leave

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I sat in my chair in the potions classroom, patiently waiting for the students to leave. It was a long and awkward period, Harry didn't even look at me once. I had no idea what to say to him, but it didn't seem like he wanted to talk anyway. When the bell rang, he was the first to go. He shot out of my sight like he couldn't wait to be as far away from me as possible. My heart sank, I couldn't help but feel awful about the entire thing... Maybe I should have told Draco to back off? I mean he was harsh with him, but then again, I really did appreciate what Malfoy had done for me. I don't know, hopefully, he will just get over it. Perhaps with time things will go back to normal. I watched the last student walk out the door, leaving me alone with Severus. I turned to him, noticing a giant smile placed on his lips as he examined me with is brooding eyes.

"What are you looking at?" I asked as I stood from my desk. I couldn't help but match his smile when I saw his eyes squint as he gazed at me. How can one person possibly make me so happy? Even though there are so many worries in my life, just a single glance from him makes it feel like my problems never existed.

"I'm looking at the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He slowly walked over to me, his hands held firmly behind his back as he let his grin drop to a sly smirk. I noticed a slight bounce in his step as he did so. Something I've never seen him do before.

"What are you so happy about?" I tried to contain my smile but it didn't seem to work, at all. I felt him wrap me in his arms as he planted a kiss to my lips. It was short and so soft that I barely felt it, but it was enough to make my head spin. His presence was intoxicating to me, the smell of him overwhelming my senses by how close he was. I could never get enough of him.

"I'm just simply happy because you're mine." He didn't even give me a chance to react to his statement before his kiss was on my lips once again. I felt his hand reach my lower back as he pulled me closer. This kiss was rough, more intimidating in a way. He had taken me by surprise and it took me a while before I started to react to his movements. When I finally did realize what was happening, things started to pick up the pace and I began to feel a bit nervous. I had gotten so excited by his actions that my hands had started to shake, my legs mimicking them. I could tell he had noticed my nerves when he began softly playing with my hair. This was his attempt to calm me and it worked. Once he had me where he wanted, he stopped and instead placed his hand on my jaw.

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