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I stood helplessly in front of Severus

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I stood helplessly in front of Severus. He was about a foot away from me, his stare concentrated on my face. I couldn't find the strength to look back at him. He was upset with me, I could feel it. I felt ashamed, but I also didn't regret what I had said, Harry deserved it. From everything he has put me through with his stupid crush he has on me, he should have expected me to lose it on him. Though I don't think Severus thought the way I did. It was quiet for a moment longer before I heard his shoes softly hitting the ground, taking two steps closer to me. I finally looked up to meet his eyes.

"People are going to talk about you and the Malfoy boy now, you know that right?"

"I'm sorry... I was just so angry at Harry that I-

"That you agreed to sleep with Draco." His tone was held harsh like he was scolding one of his students. I've heard that tone from him countless times throughout the day but never once was it directed at me before. It felt strange and I couldn't help but become agitated by the way he was treating me. I may be his student but I was also his girlfriend.

"You know I didn't mean it like that!" I tossed one of my hands on top of my head, pushing back my hair. I can not believe we are having this conversation right now. Though I understood why he was bothered by what I said. If I was him, i'd be a mess right now. A scowl was plastered across his features as he closed the distance between us. Then his expression softened as he reached for my hands, holding them in his own.

"I know..." He sighed as he stared down at me. I could tell he was fighting with himself inside his head. At the moment, all I was doing was trying to figure out something I could say to make him feel better. Nothing came to mind. I'm not sure what he wants to hear?

"I didn't mean to hurt you..." My voice was quiet, I wasn't even sure if I spoke or if it was just in my mind. Severus lifted the back of his hand, softly stroking my cheek. His dark eyes absorbed with love as he looked down at me. Well, it seems like he can't stay mad at me for long, that's a good thing.

"You didn't... It's our secret that's bothering me." My heart stopped. What was he saying? For some reason, my immediate thought was that he wanted to end everything we had together. There's no way though, right? I mean, he asked me to move in with him, we have plans for our future... I couldn't stop my mind from conjuring up the worst outcomes. His words scared me.

"Wait... no, we can make this work-"

"(Y/n), relax." He spoke over me, as a low chuckle escape him. I took in a deep breath, for some reason his smile always seemed to calm me.

"I meant I want people to know about us... I know we can't, but- I wish I didn't have to feel like I was sharing you..." He sighed as he pulled away from me. Before he could walk away though I had grabbed his forearm, causing a look of puzzlement to spread across his features as he stared at me.

"You are not sharing me with anyone. I'm all yours." My words must have caught his attention because right after I was done speaking he had wrapped me up in his arms.

I Am Your Teacher (Severus Snape X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now