A Secluded Place

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Severus had apparated us after pulling me between two buildings

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Severus had apparated us after pulling me between two buildings. Not trusting the freezing beverage in my hand, I set it aside before we left. He didn't tell me where we were going and he didn't really give me anytime to ask either. I kept my eyes clenched shut, afraid that the dizziness might take over and cause me to fall flat on my face. Oddly enough, I didn't feel anything. Perhaps I was becoming use to it! I took in a deep breath as I felt warmth fall around my frame. I opened my eyes when I felt Severus tugging at my jacket. He slipped it off of me before folding it nicely over his forearm.

"How's this?" Severus smirked as I looked around to see the sun setting on a sandy beach. It looked as though we were on an island. I turned in a three-sixty, taking in my entire veiw of the place. There were no houses or people in sight... It seemed like we were completely alone... Is that possible?

"W-where are we?"

"A secluded place..." He grinned as he gestured in front of himself. There was a large blanket spread across the sand a little ways back from the shore. White candles were floating all around and it appeared as though he had fruit in a large basket for us to eat. I bit my lip as I took in the scene in front of me. This was absolutely incredible... How could I be so lucky to find someone like him? I did a sideways glanced in his direction to see that he had taken off his clothing. Everything except his black briefs. Now I was gawking. Ive never seen him with out his shirt off and right now, it felt as though my eyes were stuck to him like glue. I stared at his chiseled chest not being able to look away. What was he doing?

"Before we relax..." I barely caught his words before I was lifted over his shoulder, he began running towards the ocean. Oh no, he was gonna throw me in!

"Sev! Stop! This is a nice sweater!" Severus muttered a quick spell that had left me in nothing but my undergarments. Normally, I'd feel self-conscious, but with him... I knew I didn't have to worry. I couldn't stop laughing as I hit his back trying to shake out of his grasp. I felt the chilling water engulf me after his touch had left. He had drop me. As soon as the top of my head touched the water, I starting swimming to the surface. I caught him by surprise when I jumped up. Seizing my opportunity, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him under with me. When we both broke to the surface I could hear his laughter echoing around me. I grinned as I felt his arms tucked under both my legs and my back, holding me bridal style barely above the water. Instinctively I threw my arms around him as I studied his black irises. I couldn't help but stare at this man in awe. His hair was now slicked back from the water, I could see the perfect cut of his jaw and the way his lips were turned in an upwards grin. I noticed a small, single freckle that was placed on his right ear. Something I've never noticed because his hair had always covered it. His wet locks began to fall back in his face so I pushed them away as I held the back of his head. I rested my forehead against his as I closed my eyes, letting myself take in his presence. I never wanted to be away from him.

"I love you." My tone was shaky as I felt a water droplet fall from my lips. I let my fingers trace the outline of his bare shoulders.
I shuddered.

"I love you more." I looked into his eyes before our wet lips collided with one another. When we broke apart, our noses touched as smiles were held on both of our faces.

"I really am serious. I'm so in love with you... I want to spend the rest of my life with you..." My chest tightened when I heard him speak. I removed myself from his grasp as I took both his hands in mine.

"I feel the same way." Instantly, he picked me up by my waist, holding me so that I was just a bit taller than him.

"Is that so?" His low whisper sent sparks flying through me.

"Yes," I beamed as I nodded. I couldn't help but giggle, he was starting to fluster me. His eyes scanned me before a smile took over his entire face. He set me down, lacing our fingers together as we walked back to shore. I muttered a quick charm, drying both of us instantly. Even though the sun was fading, it was still hot, neither of us put our clothing back on. Severus sat on the fabric that was sprawled over the sand and I joined beside him. I crossed my legs as I began picking at the fruit while watching the candles float around us. I was happy right now. I can't even begin to describe the feeling of joy that was bursting through me. I've never felt more alive in my life...

"Hey... come here." Severus gestured me to come closer to him. I couldn't hide the smile that was covering my features as I crawled over to him. I sat in between his legs as his arms wrapped around me. He held his hands together in my lap as he rested his head on top of my shoulder.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," I said as I felt his hold on me tighten slightly. He began slightly swaying us back and forth as he spoke. I let myself lean farther into him, not wanting his touch to fade.

"In the future... if I-" He stopped his words, it seemed as though he was nervous to say whatever he was thinking. I turned my head as I softly placed a kiss to his jaw, non verbally telling him to continue.

"If I asked you... to marry me... Would you say yes?" My stomach shifted as I felt the tickle of butterflies erupt from the core of me, finding their way to my throat. We have only been dating four and a half months...and he already was thinking about marriage? My heart soared, I mean, I know the thought has crossed my mind countless times but for some reason, I never thought he would think like that. At least not this soon.

"I'm sorry, it's probably too soon to have this conversation." His words had brought me back to reality. I must have gone quiet after his question because I could feel his body growing uncomfortable beneath me. I sat up on my knees and turned around to face him. His black hair was falling in front of his eyes as if he was trying to hide his evident blush that was lingering on his cheeks. I grinned as I grabbed his hands, I could tell my actions lessened the growing tension inside him.

"Of course I'd say yes. Heck, if you were to ask me right now I'd say yes... I mean, I love you. And I want nothing more than to be with you... but-."

"But my job could never find out..." I nodded as I felt the excitement that was resigning in me fade. I then felt him tuck his hand underneath my chin, raising my eyes to his.

"I'll make it work. I promise." After listening to his soft-spoken words, I felt his kiss on my lips, locking with mine as I attempted to pull him closer to me. We stayed there for the rest of the night, enjoying the time we had together.

 We stayed there for the rest of the night, enjoying the time we had together

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Guyyysss My heaaarttttttt <3 <3 I'm in love with this lol!!! :) I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Let's see where their love story brings us next!!! <3

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