You're Okay

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I hopped off my broom, thrilled that the freezing wind wasn't hitting my cheeks any longer

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I hopped off my broom, thrilled that the freezing wind wasn't hitting my cheeks any longer. I stared ahead at the joke shop while holding my nose, attempting to warm it. I read the giant sign that held the shops' name: 'Weasley Wizard Wheezes". There was a small sign on the door that said closed. Odd, the store looked as if it was open, Besides there being no customers inside. In fact, I don't think they have ever closed this early before... It was only six o'clock. Through the glass window, I saw Fred making his way over to open the door for me. My heart began to race, I quickly fixed my hair that had been blown all over the place from flying all the way here on broom. Why did I care so much about how I looked for Fred? I hushed the thought in my mind as I straightened out my shirt right before the door flew open.

"Good evening Ms." Fred slightly bowed, giving me a full view of his fiery red hair. I gave myself some time to look at him. He was wearing a white button-up shirt with a black tie, matching his pants. Did he dress up for me? For some reason, my insides grew warm at that thought. I think I may have missed him... He lifted his arm, gesturing for me to link mine with his. Of course, I obliged and I didn't even try to fight away the smile that grew on my lips as I walked inside. I couldn't help but overthink to myself as a hollow feeling entered my stomach. It wasn't quite the rush of butterflies, but it wasn't comforting either. It felt like guilt. What did I have to feel guilty for anyway? It's not like I was cheating on Severus. He was the one who ended it...

I briefly closed my eyes for a moment, calming myself. I had to find something that would distract me from my thoughts. I held onto his form as I examined the store. It looked... peaceful. At least now that there weren't any children bustling around. The whole place was lit by bright lights, there wasn't a dark corner in the place. There were tons of shelves scattered throughout the room, holding all of their merchandise. Even though the store looked spotless, it was still cluttered, but it held a relaxing aura around itself.

For a moment my gaze met his chocolate eyes before I removed myself from his hold. I still haven't said anything, I wasn't sure what I was supposed to say? I'm more than positive he still thought this whole date was fake... Should I tell him that things fell through between Severus and me? I slowly walked around, picking up random items then putting them back down. I've never actually have been given the chance to look at what they sold here. Every time I had visited I was either in a rush or the place was so packed you couldn't move. Normally I'm not a big fan of crowds, hence to why I never stayed long. I examined my surrounding for a good five minutes before a case of glass crystals had caught my eye. I have never seen anything like them before?

"Are you gonna say anything, love?" I felt Fred's presence standing behind my shoulders, I still didn't speak. For some reason I was nervous and I didn't know what to say right now. I'm starting to think I shouldn't have come. Ignoring his question, I picked up one of the reflecting crystals. As soon as my skin made contact it exploded into tiny shards of glass.

"Ow! Why'd it do that!?" I looked at the tip of my index finger, a bubble of red blood floated above my skin. I put my finger in my mouth, stopping it from bleeding farther.

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