Moving On (Fred)

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On our way over to meet Fred and George, Draco made constant jokes, attempting to get my mind off of everything, but then, right before we made it to the shop Draco stopped me

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On our way over to meet Fred and George, Draco made constant jokes, attempting to get my mind off of everything, but then, right before we made it to the shop Draco stopped me.

"So you're really worried he may not be interested in you anymore?" I shrugged my shoulders as he asked the question.

"I don't see a reason why he would be, honestly." Draco only nodded before we walked inside, the little bell ringing as I watched the blonde-haired boy step through the doorway.

"Oh, (Y/n). You brought Draco?" George asked as I stepped into his view.

"He wanted to come say hi and take a look around."

"Yeah, I never actually got to take a good look around this old dump." Draco stated as I elbowed him hard in the side mouthing the words;

'What is wrong with you'. He only grinned at me as he saw George scowl.

"Well, Fred should be down in a bit, he is finishing up this morning's orders." I nodded as George left quickly, eyeing Draco as he did.

"What the hell was that Malfoy?" I silently yelled in his direction, appalled he would behave that way. Though I shouldn't have expected anything different, he never really liked the Weasley's that much.

"What? I can't act out of the ordinary that will make them think I am up to something."

"Are you?" I asked.

"Am I what?"

"Up to something?" Draco grinned slightly as I saw his eyes flash over to Fred, who was making his way down the staircase, George following slightly behind him.

"Is there something you need Malfoy?" Fred questioned as he walked in front of the two of us.

"I'm sorry Fred, I wouldn't have had him come if I knew he was going to bother you both." Fred glanced at me, a small smile passed his lips before his face turned stern once again as he looked over at Draco.

"You guys can calm down. I only wanted to spend some time with (N/n). She's here all the time now so I figured I'd come along. See what she finds so special about this place." Fred seemed to relax as he looked over at me shoving his hands into his pockets as a small smile sat across his lips. Almost a copy composure settled a crossed him after hearing Draco's words. For some reason, I wasn't feeling that confident today.

Not after what happened with Severus. He always needed the last word, and for some odd reason, I have a feeling that conversation wasn't over. I felt like I needed to be alone. This room was already feeling tense as it is. I'm going to help out where I can and then leave. It doesn't seem like Fred is really in the mood to see me anyways.

"Alright then. Well, we are gonna go finish up the orders and I guess you can tidy up as usual." Fred nodded towards me, a small smile finding my cheeks as his eyes connected with mine. The twins turned around to head back up the stairs when I saw Draco grin at me. He stared at me directly in the eyes, a smile plastered on his face as he spoke loudly enough for them to hear him.

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