What's Wrong?

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Hey guys! I added a youtube video at the beggining of this chapter because I thing this song really sums up how both (Y/n) and Severus feel. Of course the situations not exact, but the same emotions are present. So give it a listen if you like! :) <3

 So give it a listen if you like! :) <3

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"Severus... I have something I need to tell you." My words changed the feeling in the room as soon as they came out of my mouth.

"What's wrong?" Severus came to me as he rested a hand on my shoulder, attempting to look into my eyes. I kept my stare focused on the ground, I knew he wasn't going to like what I had to say, but I had to tell him.

"Hermione and Draco know about us."

"You told them?" I felt his touch leave me as his back straightened. I could see the instant fear that dwelled inside him with this new information. It hurt me seeing him like this. I hated being the reason for his stress. Finally, I found the courage to look at him. There wasn't any judgment in his features, there wasn't anything else there either. He looked... blank.

"I told Draco... and Hermione saw us at Lookout..." I had an extremely hard time making my voice sound normal. I kept having to fight off the squeaks and cracks that were trying to break through my tone. I watched Snape run his hands over his face. I could hear his breath release from his nose as he turned away from me.

"You told Draco?" His back was still turned to me and I could feel my heart starting to thunder inside my chest. I wanted nothing more than to leave this situation, but it had to be done. I had to tell him. I didn't speak, I couldn't. I wanted to reach out to him but my hands were numb. It was like my entire body was telling me to hold back. Did I make a mistake by telling him?

"No one was supposed to know about us (Y/n)... How can you trust a dimwitted, know it all like Malfoy? The guy is a swine."

"Hey! Severus, he's my best friend!" As soon as I spoke I realized I shouldn't have said anything. I watched his eyes grow darker. If that was even possible. He glared at me, I've never seen such anger resignate in him before. I felt like crying, but I didn't. I didn't want to seem weak in front of him.

"Your best... friend... You're talking about the boy who hassled you for years. The one I had to stop from taking advantage of you, right out in the middle of the hallway!?" Severus raised his voice as he stepped closer to me. I kept my eyes held low, ashamed of myself. He was right, Draco had done all of those things...But, he was different now. Back then he was just misunderstood and pressured by the people he surrounded himself with. I've gotten to know Draco, better than anyone has it seems... and he's changed... I know who he really is now. It's not fair to judge him on his past.

"I'm sorry..." I squeaked. I didn't know what else to say. I didn't want to upset him any more than he already was. I heard Severus scoff at my remark. I really messed up.

"And the Granger girl just saw us? Really?" His tone felt like it was pointing in my face. That remark angered me. I let my shame go as I scowled, looking right back into his black orbs.

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