How About This? (Draco)

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Draco sat across from me on the bed

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Draco sat across from me on the bed. He glanced at me for a quick moment with concern in his eyes before his gaze wandered to the floor. I moved the tray holding my dinner to my bedside table and stood up. I paced twice in front of him, not knowing where to start or even what to say to him in general. I pushed my fingers through my hair as I took a breath trying to calm my nerves.

"You okay?" He asked while staying seated but turning to watch me walk around my room.

"No," I answered shortly.

"What's wrong?" He asked and before I could even think about the words to say, I blurted out the one question that has been bothering me.

"Are you seeing someone?" Instant regret rushed over me as I forced my hands to stay by my sides. Even though I desperately wanted to cover my mouth after I spoke those words; I froze like a deer in headlights. Though, it didn't last long as I watched Draco's face scrunch into confusion for just a moment before a smirk appeared on his lips.

"Seeing someone? No, why would you think-?" I cut him off as my heart started beating faster. I was glad his answer was no, but now I was completely embarrassed and I could feel the heat on my cheeks turning my skin pink.

"Well, you have been acting differently around me! I feel like you've been avoiding me."

"I haven't meant to, I've just been busy. And I don't think I've been acting differently?"

"You have." My voice raised slightly as I watched Draco stand, his height towering slightly over me. I took a step away from him.

"How?" He asked.

"You've just- You don't-" I stuttered, not knowing what to say to him, or how to explain why I felt the way I do.

"Spit it out (Y/n)." He laughed as I squinted at him, frustrated at the fact that he could laugh at me when I was obviously upset about the situation.

"You stopped acting like you like me, Draco." I dropped my hands to my sides in a sigh, still not sure if I was making my point clear. I feel so embarrassed trying to explain myself to him. Snape was wrong. I don't think this was a good idea to talk through this. So far it doesn't seem to be going well.

"(N/n), you're my best friend. You know I like you? I don't understand what you mean?" His smile was now gone, it was obvious I confused him. The beating in my chest made me feel like I was about to get sick. And then, without thinking, I blurted out what I meant. My voice raised as if I was yelling at him, even though I wasn't meaning to. My frustration got the better of me.

"Draco! You stopped wanting to touch me! You flinch and pull away from me when I nudge your shoulder. You haven't put your arm around me in weeks! You stopped trying to find a reason to hold my hand or comfort me. And you stopped... you stopped... GOD Draco! I don't know! You stopped doing something that I didn't want you to stop doing!" It felt quiet in the room after I was done. I didn't realize how loud I was yelling until I stopped. All I could hear was the heaviness in my breath as Draco and I stared at one another. He seemed shocked. Dumbfounded even. But I didn't know what to do now. He wasn't saying anything and it felt wrong to walk away after that. Even though that's what I wanted to do. I wanted to run away. The weight of the situation was hovering over my shoulders and It felt like my knees were about to buckle at any time. He took a step towards me, his silver eyes searching mine as I felt the cold touch of his palm against my neck and cheek. I instinctively closed my eyes, his closeness calming me.

"You said you weren't ready..." He whispered as I looked back up at his gaze. His eyes held concern as they flickered across my face like he was memorizing every detail.

"I wasn't."

"You are now?"

"I think so..." I spoke softly as I felt my stomach flutter, finally letting myself fully believe in the feelings I have had for Draco for so long. He slowly took a step closer to me as I felt him tuck my hair behind my ear.

"You sure you're ready for things like this?" I felt his other hand entangled in my own, intertwining our fingers together. I couldn't help but let my smile shine through at his small gesture of affection. I nodded as a small giggle escaped through my lips.

"How about this?" He asked as felt his lips lightly press against my cheek. He stayed completely still, the side of his face lightly rested against my own. I could barely see the outline of his hair from the corner of my eye, but his broad shoulders swarmed my vision. This time I didn't say anything, I could just feel the intense blush that found its way to my skin.

"Or..." He paused for a moment as I heard him whisper a few words. Then I was met with a black rose cupped at his fingertips as he took a step away and raised it towards me. I smiled, cupping both my hands around his and examined the rose.

"Wanna try this again?" I smiled as I looked into Draco's shining eyes.

"I would love that," I said as his smile widened to a grin. I watched him bite his lip in enjoyment. I quickly ran my hand through my hair not wanting to hide the smile that was growing on my face.

"Red?" He asked as he looked at the former black rose. I gazed at the velvet pedals as I looked back up at Draco's confused expression.

"Red reminds me of you."

"Oh?" He asked as he twisted the stem between his fingers.

"It reminds me of Christmas and the scarf I gave you." His expression turned to one of pleasure as he stared down at the flower.

"You mind if I keep this?" He asked with a grin playing across his features.

"Of course, why?"

"That way I have a reminder that this wasn't a dream."


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