The Twins

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We had arrived at the Weasley's extremely late in the night

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We had arrived at the Weasley's extremely late in the night. All of us were stumbling in a little after three O'clock in the morning. All of the older Weasley boys had settled back into their old bedrooms for the time being. There was also the three of us joining, plus Bill, Charlie and Percy's significant others. Let's just say it was a bit of a full house. Hermione was joining Ginny in her bedroom and Harry with Ron. I would have joined in with Ginny, but her bedroom was so small, there really wasn't any room.

"I don't know where to put you, dear..." Molly looked around as all her children bustled around their home finding their way to their rooms.

"She can stay with us mum!" One of the twins shouted as he bumped his arm into the other, looking at his brother then at me. It must have been George. I grinned, this was already starting to be different that past Christmas's.

"No- no!" Their mother yelled, putting her arm in front of me, keeping me from walking over to them.

"Why not dear? Their room is the biggest." Arthur yawned as he spoke, causing me to do so as well. Even though I slept for most of the train ride here, I was exhausted.

"They will just play pranks on her all night, that's why." She did have a point. Those to always were a bit mischievous, but that's one of the things that I always enjoyed about them.

"Honestly mother, you think we would treat our guest in that manner?" Molly glared at George as if she was speaking to him through her mind. He laughed before shrinking away from her, unsure of her actions.

"Hm... I'd feel much better if you stayed in Ronald's room." As she spoke she lightly pushed me to follow Harry.

"She's been coming here for years mum, she's not just Ron's friend, she's family." That was Fred talking, obviously upset that she had trusted Ron and Harry over them. Molly just shot another glare towards the twins as she gestured me to follow the two boys up the stairs to his room. I knew exactly where Ron's bedroom was. I've spent so many holidays and summers here I could map out this entire house with my eyes closed.

The three of us walked into his bedroom, Ronald flopped on his bed face first, passing out. Harry walked to the closet and pulled out some bedding. I helped him spread a large sleeping area for both of us on the floor. Growing up, Harry and I use to do this all the time when I came over to his house. He was the only Wizard I knew who lived in the same muggle town as me. It was almost like we had a routine memorized as we laid out our bedding. It felt like I was having a flash back to when we were twelve. We haven't done this in so long, usually it involved throwing pillows at each other's faces. If we weren't so tired, it still probably would have come to that.

Harry and I really seemed to have grown apart over the last year. I remember being so confused about it all. I even complained to Hermione that he had changed and I was upset that I couldn't figure out why. Knowing what I know now, it all makes so much sense. It was because he had feelings for me. Though after talking to him that day and being able to explain how I actually felt, our friendship seemed to have changed it's course. We were slowly shifting back to the way things used to be between us. We were both so drained that we hadn't said a word to each other. We just laid down beside one another, pulling the covers up to our chins.

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