A Common Slu- (Fred)

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It's been two months and Professor Snape hasn't said a word to me

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It's been two months and Professor Snape hasn't said a word to me. Not even a glance, as if nothing ever happened between us. Some days it honestly feels like I dreamt it all, if it wasn't for that snow globe reminding me that it was all real, I think I would believe my own thoughts. I have taken the secret passageway to Diagon Alley almost every night to help Fred and George around their shop.

Mostly I just clean and help organize the merchandise while they count the money and do all the actual business stuff. I did feel like I was helping, their store looked cleaner than ever with me there! I laughed at my thought. Being around both of them has brightened up my spirits, though nothing has changed between Fred and I. It's as if our date never happened. Just us flirting, as usual, his cheeks flaring up and nothing more. Just like it always used to be. I didn't mind the familiarity, but it's been two months since Severus and I broke things off.

I thought Fred would have mentioned something to me by now. Maybe he's changed his mind after all... I wouldn't want to be someone's second choice either. My heart twisted at the thought. I walked down the halls of Hogwarts, just trying to clear my mind. This was a good thing. Everything was back to normal. Besides me now being friends with Draco Malfoy. It's like nothing ever happened. Harry and I are getting along great. I guess Ron tries harder to hang out with me now that he thinks I'm going to be his future sister-in-law. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I was him. It seems like his brother is moving on from the idea of me. Or finally realizing he liked being my friend and doesn't want to ruin that. I shouldn't of asked Fred to take it slow, he probably thought I was turning him down...

I was yanked away from my thoughts as someone slammed into me. I looked up to meet Severus standing over me, his dark eyes studying my features. Wait, did he just run into me on purpose? I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but I could feel myself growing nervous. I didn't want to be here.

"You can start coming back to my classes now. I will no longer excuse your absence. It's clear there is nothing left between us and that I made a mistake ever letting myself have feelings for you..." His cold glare caught me off guard and I could tell the confusion on my face was being read as easily as an open book. He walked past me, only for my face to change to one that was evident in disgust.

"Excuse me, professor, you're the one that ended things, not me. Don't you dare stand here and make me feel as though I could have changed this outcome." Severus turned around slowly gazing at me with the same look I shared for him.

"But you could have. You could have tried talking to me! Instead, you run off with another guy, like some common slut. Your nothing I ever thought you were (Y/n)." That word felt like he dragged a knife across my spirit. Stinging my soul, but I didn't show him the tears that were hiding behind my eyes. I buried that deep within myself. I didn't want him to think I cared about how he saw me, Not any more.

"Just because I am friends with the opposite gender, doesn't mean I am a slut. It doesn't mean that I am sleeping with them. And it doesn't mean that I have moved on from you, though I am pretty sure you just made my feelings progress pretty quickly."

"(Y/n) I-"

"Just shut up, Severus! Not only, was our relationship borderline mentally abusive, it never would have worked out! We don't have a future together, and that's probably what made us grow together so quickly because we knew we didn't have much time. It's better this way. Saves a lot of heartbreak. Well... a lot of yours. Since the man I believed I loved just broke mine when he called me a common sl-"

"Don't repeat that... I didn't mean it..." He cut me off as he reached for me. I didn't let him touch me. I never would let him touch me ever again. Not after this.

"Just forget I ever existed, Severus. And you can forget me coming back to your class unless you want me to tell the ministry how you've been touching one of your student with sexual intents." I would never do that to him. But he doesn't have to know that. I didn't want to stare at his face every day. Not after what we've been through and what he just said to me. It was silent as I walked away from him. He didn't say a word but I could feel him staring at me. I wiped away the unwanted tears that started spilling from my eyes the moment Professor Snape couldn't see my face anymore. As I was making my way back to the Gryffindor Dormitories, I was stopped by Draco.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" He asked as I stared at his facial expression that was filled with concern.

"No. I am not okay. Not at all."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. I didn't want to. But I knew he wouldn't leave me alone until he knew what was going on inside my head.

"Snape called me a slut. And I freaked out on him. Things ended pretty badly." I could see the regret on Draco's face as I spoke. Probably thinking about the time he used those same words to attack me.

"I'm sorry (Y/n)." I couldn't help myself, I went into a full bloody rant that most likely wasn't meant for Draco's ears.

"Don't be, I only now have realized that I liked Severus so much because I knew I wouldn't have a future with him. Do you know who I could have a future with? Fred. And that terrifies the shit out of me. Over the last couple of months.... I have found myself really freaking liking him and feeling guilty over it. So I push him away. Now. It's like he doesn't even want me. It's like that date, thing, we had never happened.

Maybe I left the wrong impression. I don't know. I'm bloody pissed off. I'm pissed that Severus put me through this whole emotional rollercoaster for nothing. And I'm pissed cause I finally realized that I may have had feelings for Fred over the last five years but was to thick to understand them. Now he probably thinks he was a second choice and that I'm some slut that jumps to another guy to get over another one."

"(Y/n), you are not a slut. Fred knows that, I know that-"

"Really? You have thought differently before." I snapped. Instead of Draco getting upset with me like I thought he would, I felt his arm wrap around me.

"You know what I was thinking when I said that?" He asked, I didn't respond, instead I sat in silence waiting for him to continue.

"I said that because I really liked you. And I was mad because you didn't feel the same way. I hardly knew you back then and I didn't know my words would hurt you this badly. I truly am sorry. But my words were not a reflection of you. They were a reflection of my frustration.

So don't you ever think less of yourself because of what a couple of ass holes say about you. I promise you it's more directed at themselves then it is at you." I took in a deep breath and felt myself relax some. Draco's words were comforting as I leaned against his shoulder. Then Draco asked me something that surprised me.

"Do you mind if I come with you to Fred and Georges Shop tonight?" Normally Draco would never be caught dead at the Weasley's store. My mind started wandering.

Why would he want to come?

Why would he want to come?

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