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"How late were you out last night?" My eyes fluttered open after hearing Hermione's voice as she began poking my sides

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"How late were you out last night?" My eyes fluttered open after hearing Hermione's voice as she began poking my sides. I grinned, thinking about the long night I had with Severus, I actually ended up falling asleep in his arms last night. It was something I had only ever dreamed about doing- but now that it's happened, I wish I could do it every night. Instantly I remember the little notebook he had given me when we were outside the coffee shop. Ignoring Hermione I quickly opened it to see Severus's handwriting. It read:

'Good morning, Gorgeous.' Ahh! Okay, I think I get it what he meant now. I stifled a laugh as I frantically grabbed my black feathered quill.

"Hermione, do you have any ink?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Give it to me." Hermione grabbed the small jar from her nightstand and handed it to me. I quickly jotted down something:

'You're a clever man, Severus.' I scribbled a little winky face next to my writing as I watched my scrawl disappear into the sheet.

"What's going on...?" I jumped out of bed as pranced around her before grabbing her shoulders. The memories of yesterday were bringing a new kind of sunshine to my life that I never thought was possible to behold.

"Mione'... He asked I'd marry him last night."

"What? You didn't say yes did you!?" Her face contorted as she stared at me as if I was crazy.

"It was hypothetical of course... but still..." A small smile placed on my lips as I began to get dressed for the day. Hermione just sat on my bed, staring out the window as if she was pondering something.

"What is it?" I asked, clearly seeing that there was something bothering her.

"You're relationship with him is that serious?..." I slipped my shirt over my head as I held my face firm.

"Hermione, I'm in love with him..." She slightly nodded as I saw stress taking over her whole body. Why was this bothering her so much? I thought that, well maybe she would have been happy for me.

"Okay... I need to tell you something." The serious tone in her voice made my fingers twitch with anticipation. I sat next to her, waiting for her to continue.

"So... Ron and Harry don't know about any of this... and I promised to keep your secret-" I held my breath as she spoke. Oh my god, she told them...

"Don't look at me like that! I didn't say anything... It just Ron is trying to prove your innocence to Harry... So he um... is planning something..."

"What do you mean he's planning something?" I mentally scoffed at the red-headed Weasley. Why must Ronald always find a way to disrupt the peace of things? Not that there was much peace... and according to Mione', it seemed as though he had good intentions...

"He's planning a date for you and Fred..."

"What!? When???"

"Next week sometime." My right knee began to shake as I tried to think through everything...What was I going to do? I had no way in contacting Fred and I couldn't just go tell Ronald I lied to him about dating his brother. The boy has a temper, he wouldn't talk to me for weeks. I ran my hands through my hair as I tried to figure out what I was supposed to do. I glanced at Hermione, asking for help without actually speaking. Of course, she understood.

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