Look At Me (Draco)

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After finishing my meal I couldn't handle the awkward silence that was following the four of us

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After finishing my meal I couldn't handle the awkward silence that was following the four of us. Ron and Harry didn't seem too pleased with me at the moment. Most likely because I had chosen to spend my summer with Draco rather than them. I had to get away. I didn't know what I was supposed to say to either of them. I felt more comfortable with him but I obviously couldn't say that... To be frank, if Hermione had offered me the same thing as the tree of them did I would have chosen her in a heartbeat. She would be the least awkward person to live with. She didn't offer though, because she wouldn't be with her parent's for more than a week before she would be off to a new school. We had the same plans... just different places. I'm really gonna miss her.

I quickly stood as I gathered my thought, leaving the hall. I needed some fresh air. Today has already been way too much for me to handle. I walked out of the school and took a seat right on the front steps. I rubbed my thumb against Draco's scarf, pondering the thought of removing it. I slipped it over my head as I felt a sinking feeling explode into my chest. It enveloped my stomach and crushed the will of my lungs to take in the air. I shook as I felt the immediate tears run down my face.

"(Y/n)... I." I stood abruptly, replacing the fabric back around my neck. I didn't have to look behind me to know that voice. I felt Severus rest his hand on my shoulder as I shrugged him away.

"Why didn't you wake me this morning?" Even though the pain was now replaced with an enchantment my hands were still shaking with fear. I didn't want to do this. I left because it was too hard to say goodbye but here I am having to do so anyway. I stayed silent, praying that he would just go away if I ignored him.

"Please, look at me." His hand rested on my shoulder again. I reacted the same way I did before as I turned to face him.

"(Y/n)..." He reached towards my face to wipe my tears away. I didn't let him. I grabbed his wrist firmly before I lowered his arm.

"Don't!-... Don't make this harder than it already is..." I said as I watched his black eyes grow with sorrow. Earlier he seemed so ecstatic as he accepted his promotion. The others may have not noticed but I did. It was so faint and subtle that if you didn't know him the way I do, you wouldn't have caught it. He faintly smiled as he gave his acceptance speech. He was proud and I was proud of him. It isn't fair of me to not be happy for him. But the truth is, I'm not. I can't change that...

"What do you want me to do...?" I felt my body grow hot as I heard his low voice speak through a whisper. I want him to stay. I want him to turn down his promotion, I want him to want to be with me...

But I can't say that... I want him to be happy, even if that means I'm not in his future anymore.

"Say goodbye." My voice shook as I spoke. That's the exact opposite of what I wanted... I watched him lower his gaze to the ground as he lifted the back of my hand to his lips. He squeezed my hand tightly, not bothering to see if anyone was watching.

"Goodbye...(Y/n)." I could have sworn I saw his eyes water before he turned abruptly, briskly seeking shelter in the school. As I watched him walk away I couldn't help but be reminded of the first day I saw him stroll into class. He hadn't changed much from that day, but in my heart, he had changed greatly. I sat back on the stone steps, feeling numb. The enchanted scarf not letting my real emotions show but also not being strong enough to bring me happiness at this moment. A few moments after I had sat down, I saw a figure in my peripheral vision sit beside me.

"Are you alright?" Hermione said as I focused my attention on her. I stayed silent, not knowing what to say. I wasn't alright but I wanted to be. She nodded as she studied me. A brief moment of silence passed between us as I felt the warm air push through my hair. I heard Hermione softly sigh as she tapped her toes on the ground. There was a small smile spreading on to her lips. I didn't understand why she looked so deviously happy. Especially after what she must have witnessed between Severus and I.

"What is it?"

"You and Draco."

"What do you mean me and Draco?" She caught my interest. What was she doing on about now?

"You like him don't you." Her words felt like a punch to the chest. I don't know how to interpret them. I'm in love with Severus... I can't like someone else... not now. It's too soon.

"Hermione, I-"

"You look at him differently than you use to. I've noticed it these last few weeks." I kept my mouth shut. Have I been looking at him differently? I mean there was that brief moment before I left to go see Fred where I thought I might-... no. It's Draco. I couldn't. Even if I did it's not like I would act on it. He's my best friend and I can't even begin to think about moving on yet. There's still a part of me that is hoping Severus will change his mind...

"I'm just saying if you loved Severus, truly loved him. You wouldn't have that twinkle in your eye for Draco."

"I don't think I want to talk about this right now." I watched her stand while that same devious smirk grew on her lips again.

"You'll see. You have all summer to prove that I'm right. Promise to write me?" My jaw clenched as she spoke. I love this girl but man, she really knows how to get the gears in my head turning. I'm gonna be overthinking this for weeks now.

"I promise."


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One of my shorter chapters, but I couldn't fit more in there and I couldn't tie the next chapter in this one... sooo. I'm sorry for the shortness! :)))

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