I'll See you Tomorrow

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I walked into the potions room to be met with two pairs of eyes

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I walked into the potions room to be met with two pairs of eyes. One was Severus's dark orbs and the others were Dumbledore's blue ones. My smile faded instantly. The first thought that came to my mind was : 'Have we been caught?' Instantly, I dreaded the conversation that had yet to come.

"Don't look so distant Ms. (L/n). You're not in any trouble." The headmaster's voice cracked as he spoke to me, relieving my fear. I didn't reply back to him, I just walked father into the room, bringing myself closer to the two men standing before me. Severus watched me as I did so. His face was held furrowed and I couldn't read his expression. I have no idea what was going on right now. This is weird right?

"Now, it has come to my attention that you are studying to become a healer." His long white beard moved as he spoke. I found myself feeling fuzzy in my mind, like I had stood up to fast. I had to take a minute to catch my balance. Why was this so important that they had to pull me out of class? I tried my best not to let my disappointment show in my composure. I was really hoping this was just Severus wanting to spend some time with me.

"Well, my dear, It seems that you are one of the top student's in your class." He drew out his sentence as he walked me over to stand in front of Professor Snape.

"And becoming a healer takes a lot of demanding time, work and care. But I have a position to offer you, that is, if you would like it?" The old wizards arm found its way around my shoulder as he asked his question.

"What is it?" I spoke with a confident smile tugging at the corners of my mouth. I was a top student? I mean, I knew I had good grades and all, but I didn't realize I was doing THAT good. Professor Dumbledore smiled with a nod at my response.

"Very well... Now, this position will look impeccable on your resume. That is, if you decide to take the offer..." His statement had me all ears. I could feel the excitement welling up in my brain.

"What Hogwarts is offering is a special benefit to a seventh-year student that allows them to aid a teacher. You will assist them with one of their first-year classes for the remainder of the year. Not only will you have a designated class to teach, you will also have a prep period with your professor to make a lesson plan... Because it is Professor Snape's first year of teaching, it seems that he is accountable for this role." My body tensed at the thought of being able to see Severus more. This was a DREAM come true! Working with him, AND working towards my future. There is no way I could say no to this. The headmaster noticed the state I was in, though I think he confused my exhilaration for dread. He rested both his hands on each of my shoulders.

"I know this may not be your ideal situation." He spoke softly before glancing over at Severus. I followed his gaze to see my dear potion professors features contort at the gestured insult. I had to withhold my grin.

"But, I promise the outcome is worth it. What do you say?"

"I accept." My smile spread across my face as I shook Dumbledore's hand with enthusiasm.

"Wonderful!-" He clapped his hands together looking over towards Severus, then back to me.

"The class you will be assiting will be during your free time before lunch, and your prep period... I believe is right after your Potions class..." As he spoke he slowly made his way over to the door.

"I suggest you two get comfortable with one another... You will be spending a great amount of time together." Before Dumbledore left the room I thought I saw him wink. 'Does he know about us?' I thought. No, there's no way he could. After the door shut, I looked over at Severus to see he was already looking at me, his face still holding a grimace.

"What's wrong?" I asked, taking a step closer to him and taking his hand in my own. Seeing how we were alone, he let me show this small act of affection.

"Not your ideal situation... because of me?" I couldn't help but chuckle at his words.

"Well, you can be rather tyrannizing towards your students." At first, he looked appalled, but slowly his expression softens to a small smile.

"Most of them are idiots. It's not my fault they do not possess the ability to follow simple... instructions." His last words fell silent as I brought his hand to my lips. Then he just stared at me blankly.

"How did you pull that one off?" I asked, referencing Dumbledore's aiding opportunity.

"I didn't." I dropped his hand in shock of his words. He didn't persuade this in anyway? Could this be that big of a coincident? I brought my knuckle to my mouth biting it slightly.

"Do you think he knows?" Severus shook his head at my words as he caressed my hand, pulling me closer towards him.

"If he did, that definitely wouldn't be the outcome of that conversation." His low laugh brought me comfort. I felt his lips press against my temple as he embraced me.

"You should head back to class." I didn't say anything, instead, I just looked into his eyes, letting my expression tell him I didn't want to leave. He smiled as he pulled away from me.

"Go on. I'll see you in class in a few hours." I crossed my arms as I watched him sit behind his desk. He looked up at me with a smile that was growing into a grin. I loved the way his eyes squinted when he was happy, it was like his whole face was smiling at me.

"After class during our prep period we will be alone. So we won't have to put up a front for others." As he spoke I walked over to his desk. He wasn't going to make me leave him so abruptly. I'm going to make sure that when I decide to return to class, he's the one begging me to stay.

"Okay." Was all I said before I leaned towards him, bringing my lips to his. I kissed him passionately. I could tell I took him off guard because there was a moments hesitation before he kiss me back. I felt his hand find it's way into my (h/c) locks, tugging at them slightly. Before he could deepen our kiss, and he was going to, I could feel it. I pulled away from him. It felt as though he didn't want me to leave as much as he had made it seem. I smiled, my face still very close to his. His eyes looked at me like he was eyeing his prey, and he was going to capture me at any moment. He was right though, I had to get back to class. As he leaned in towards me again, I swiftly put my index finger up to his lips, stopping him from going any further.

"Sorry, I have to get back to class," I whispered, almost seductively in his ear. Where did that come from? I beamed at my own self-assurance. His eyes studied my body as I pulled away from him. A red tint was prominent on his face and I couldn't help but smirk at his disoriented expression. I had the upper hand again, I loved knowing I could make him weak by just the simplest acts.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Professor." I let my eyelashes flutter as I spoke. I turned away from him, heading towards the hallway. I could feel his stare watch me as I left.

 I could feel his stare watch me as I left

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Thank you all so much for reading!! Please, please, please comment! I love reading all of your thoughts on the story!! It brings me so much joy knowing what you think!! I'd like to thank everyone who has commented, voted and followed me as well! You all mean so much to me and really inspire me to keep writing! <3 <3 <3

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