Breakfast in Bed (Draco)

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I felt the pressure of cold lips press lightly against my cheek as my eyes fluttered with sleep

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I felt the pressure of cold lips press lightly against my cheek as my eyes fluttered with sleep. Draco's silver eyes searching mine, with a small smile carrying his lips.

"Good morning," Draco said as I smiled looking around his room for a moment. I hadn't realized I fell asleep last night.

"I'm surprised you stayed all night."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Reckoned you would have gotten sick of me by now." He winked as I playfully scrunched my nose at him.

"You wish, Malfoy."

"Actually, I don't. Not in the slightest." This joyous smile took over his entire face as he stared at me, laying in his bed. He slowly leaned in closer to me, letting his lips gently peck my own.

"How does breakfast in bed sound?"

"Lovely" I couldn't wipe the grin off my face as I watched Draco look happier than I have ever seen him. Before I knew it, he was out of bed, leaving the room to go fetch us some breakfast. I took in a deep breath, sighing as I let the air escape my lungs. I felt relaxed. More than I ever have I believe. I sat up in bed, attempting to comb my hair with my fingers as I looked around Draco's room. I have never been in here alone before. It was quite neat. Nothing seemed to be out of place. Green and black drapes covered the windows and it looked as though everything in the room gets polished at least twice a week.

Of course, none of this was done by Draco himself. I'm sure if he didn't have a few house elves helping around the house, I bet his room would look as though a tornado had gone through it. As I glanced around, I couldn't help but notice a faint and went I say faint, I mean very faint golden glow coming out of his cracked, nightstand drawer. I know I shouldn't snoop, but I am simply curious about what Draco has glowing next to him all night? Perhaps he's afraid of the dark? A short burst of air came out my nose as I amused myself with that thought. It was only an arms-length away... I can't help it. Before I could talk myself into respecting his privacy, my fingers were curled around the handle pulling the drawer open.

It felt as though someone had just punched me in the chest. There in Draco's bedside drawer was Severus's matching ring to mine. I quickly stood with shaky knees opening the drawer fully. Severus's notebook he used to contact me was sitting underneath the rings. A million thoughts ran through my head. How did Draco even get his hands onto this? Before I could begin to think about how, my eyes then caught sight of a yellow, parchment envelope. It's black wax seal broken. It was addressed to me. I quickly grabbed all of Snape's belongings as I sat down on the bed, unfolding the letter that had been tucked between the pages of the notebook.

"Dear, (Y/n) I know this isn't the best way to handle what has happened between us. I wish I could speak to you in person, but I know it wouldn't be wise of me to do so. One glance at you and I would fall under your spell once more. I know it's best for you, for both of us if we go our separate ways and cut contact with each other permanently. I have -on countless occasions- thought of writing to you. Even though I know I must move on. I sincerely apologize for only writing you a letter, but I couldn't bear to see your eyes again. Perhaps one day I will be strong enough to overcome my longing for you. But, until then. I must focus solely on my career and banish the thoughts of us and you out of my mind. I suggest you do the same. I hope you understand.

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