You're Not Alone

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Song at the top :) I think it fits this chapter pretty well :) <3


My eyes fluttered open to see a shimmering, dust of orange light settling across the room

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My eyes fluttered open to see a shimmering, dust of orange light settling across the room. I turned my head to see Severus, his eyes were shut and his mouth partly open. He looked so peaceful... I didn't want to ruin it. I crawled out from under the covers, quickly finding my clothes that were scattered across the room and put them back on. I brushed out my hair with my fingers as I sat on the edge of his bed. I took in a deep breath as I let my eyes hover over him, dragging my fingers across the cotton sheets as I did. He was only partly covered by the blankets, the muscles of his back vivid to my eyes. I desperately wanted to wake him, tell him I've changed my mind and want to come with him. I would of, but I was too scared of his answer. He told me he wanted me to follow my dream, what if he didn't want me to come anymore? I fought hard to choke back the tears that were fighting their way to the surface. His black hair hung loosely over his eyes- as cute as it was I wanted to see his face, so I pushed it away. He didn't move. His pale skin looked like perfection and I am honestly so scared that this may be the last time I will see it this close... I'm really not sure if I should wake him up to share our last goodbye... or just leave. I slowly leaned down toward him as pressed my lips to his forehead, feeling that magical aura of his possibly for the last time.

"I love you so much, Severus..." I whispered as I sat back up. His sleeping form still remained and that's when I made my decision. This was too hard and I didn't want him to change his mind because of me. Even though my entire being was screaming, telling me not to leave, I stood, my knees shaking as I did. I studied him one last time before I opened the door. He rolled onto his side as I saw him reach for where my sleeping body was just moments ago. He was waking up... Without hesitating, I closed the door silently behind my self as I checked the corridor. It was empty. I sped walked away, not really knowing where I was heading. All I knew was that I had to get away from here, fast. I was only holding myself together by a thread and I needed to find a private place before it decided to snap. With every step I took, I felt myself growing heavier, the weight of the situation pulling me down. I stopped, doubling over as I let my silent tears roll down my cheeks. I was shaking, I needed to catch my breath but couldn't. Why did this hurt so much? To the left of where I was standing, my eyes caught that same small space that I had hid in to sneak out of the school that one night. I stepped inside it, using the wall to hold myself up. I sat down, sobbing, finally letting my emotions take me completely over. I tried to be silent but my heartfelt differently. I had to use my hands to muffle the breaking tones of my voice. Through all the noise I was making, I heard singular footsteps over the sound of my muffled cry. That's when I saw Draco peak into my small hideout where I was sitting.

"(Y/n)... I was so worried-" He stopped talking when I covered my face with my knees. I kept my eyes clenched shut as I felt him squeeze his way beside me. He placed his cold hand on mine as he rubbed his thumb across my skin. He must have understood what was happening. I've never seen Draco be so caring in this way. Normally, he's more protective. The 'i'm gonna hurt the person who hurt you' kind of guy. But not now... right now... He's just sitting beside me, rubbing circles on the back of my hand.

"I'm here... You're not alone." He said. I rested my head on Draco's shoulder as I wrapped my arms around him, not being able to find my composure. As I took in breaths, attempting to put an end to my tears- I could smell him... The scent bringing me back to Christmas... The thought calmed me for a moment. I held back my pathetic whimpering as I took him in, focusing my thought on Draco, trying to distract myself. I sniffled as I held on to his hand tightly not wanting him to leave. I reminisced on the events of last night, the touch of Severus, the feeling of him. I wish things could be different. Why did I have to fall in love with a bloody teacher! Why couldn't I have made things easier on myself and had feelings for someone normal! Like Fred or... Draco... I lifted my tear-stained face as I looked at the blonde boy next to me.

"I'm not going anywhere." He reassured me as he held my hand with both of his. I felt lost in my own mind, not being able to tell from right and wrong. I'm heartbroken, and I don't know what I'm doing anymore. I stared into Draco's sterling orbs as I felt the burning in my eyes begin to fade. I was forcing myself to calm down but my heart was still shaking inside of me. I felt like I was frozen in time, my face so close to his, the coldness of his hands wrapped around my own. Draco's expression was held still, he looked at me like he never wanted to leave my side again. He came closer to me until he was only a centimeter away from my face. To my own surprise I didn't move, instead, I held my eye contact with him. I wonder what he thought about that... Hopefully nothing... I am distraught after all, I don't even know what I'm thinking. He pulled away from me as I saw that red scarlet scarf in his hands. He had it tucked into his back pocket. That's why he was so close... this small space didn't leave us much room to move. I hope I didn't leave him with the wrong impression... But I don't think I did because now he was moving in front of me, squeezing between the two walls and my form. He slipped the red fabric over my head as he caressed my cheek.

"Better?" He asked as soon as I felt, I can only describe as light trickling into my blood. I smiled, feeling my entire self uplifted. The thought of Severus was still on my mind, but instead of being upset about him leaving I was glad that he was doing what was best for him. I found myself excited for the graduation ceremony and I felt... new. Like I have a clean slate waiting for me to take a hold of. This is my life and I can make it into whatever I want. I stood as Draco followed my actions.

"Much," I answered. I smiled as I walked out of the stuffy crevice. I felt Draco wrap one of his arms around my shoulders as we began walking down the corridor.

"Good. Now let's go get you cleaned up." He looked down at me as he pulled at the collar of my shirt. I was slightly confused for a moment until I heard him starting to laugh.

"Your shirts on backward." My cheeks burned at his words as we kept walking. His laughter echoed off the walls and I couldn't help but join.

"Was he any good?" He laughed harder once he got a look at my pink stained cheeks.

"Shut it! We never speak of this. Deal?"

"Deal" He grinned as we both let our laughter die. I hate how he can always read right through me. I swear this boy knows literally every detail about me, it's quite annoying really... But I guess it's also quite nice. We walked in silence for a moment longer as I rubbed the soft fabric of the scarf between my fingers. I lifted it to my nose, this smelled like him to... He must bring it with him everywhere... How sweet...

"You can borrow it for as long as you like." He pulled me into him causing me to wrap my arm around his waist.

"Thanks," I muttered as I rested my head on his shoulder.

If I never would have met Severus, I wonder if my feeling for Draco would have been different?

If I never would have met Severus, I wonder if my feeling for Draco would have been different?

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