A Happy Yellow

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I was at breakfast, sitting with Hermione chatting about Weasley and Potter

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I was at breakfast, sitting with Hermione chatting about Weasley and Potter. For some reason, she seemed to think I had a liking for Harry, which I have no idea why on earth she would think that? I just kept denying it and taking the subject off of myself. Which was easy, all I had to do was ask her a question about Ron and she rambles on forever. I'm glad that she finally told me about that. It's been a few weeks since my incident with Professor Snape and god knows I wanted to tell Hermione desperately. I wanted to tell how I think he was flirting with me, or I with him? I wasn't so positive at the moment. Though I don't think it'd be smart to tell her. At least not yet, I kinda want to keep this a secret between him and I. Almost every chance I had, I would sneak a glance at him, whether it be in potions class, in the dining hall or just simply walking through the Hallway. What was weird is that he was always looking back at me. And he would always show me a small smile. Which of course was weird right? Especially since he has already made a name for himself as the 'rotten Professor'. No student likes him, in fact, they despise him. Which can I blame them? He was cruel. Though, for some reason, I couldn't seem to get my mind off of him.

After the first two periods, Hermione and I had to separate because our classes differed from then on. I was making my way to DADA, which was being held outside today for some odd reason. I was walking through the corridor when I saw him. His dark orbs searched mine, slowly working down to my feet then back to my gaze again. He smiles, his eyes squinting as he looked to the ground and shook his head while grinning. No one was around as he passed by. He rounded the corner behind me and I froze. If I turned around now I might be late for my class. But, I don't know when I'll have another opportunity like this. I skipped around, retracing my steps, only to see three Slytherin boys instead of Snape.

It was Draco and his goons. Great. I quickly turned, deciding just to head back to class.

"(Y/n)!" I heard his annoying voice yell. He was the only person to call me by my first name that wasn't my friend.

"What do you want, Malfoy?"

"Why so cold, darling? I was only going to ask if you would like to accompany me to Hogsmeade." I scoffed.

"As if. I don't even like you. Do you not remember the five years of torture you put me through? Just cause you laid off last year doesn't mean we're friends." Draco took a few steps closer to me, harshly grabbing my hands, holding them in his own.

"What if I told you I wanted to be more than friends, love." He leaned in, his hot breath brushing against my lips.

"Gross," I spoke before he shoved me against the wall. Grabbe and Goyle just watched as he pushed his knee in between my legs, holding my wrist beside my waist.

"What did you say?" He seethed through clenched teeth.

"I said You're disgusting. Now get off me you git!" His grip only tightens against my form, His face was so dangerously close to mine that his eyes had become one and I couldn't make out any of my other surroundings.

"Uh- Draco." Goyle muttered.

"WHAT?" Draco spun around only to be met with the Potions Professor. He had his wand held up towards Draco as if he was ready to cast a spell on him. That was against school rules though wasn't it? I mean, I wouldn't complain if he did, but I wouldn't want him to get in trouble. especially not because of me.

"You heard the lady..... Leave... Before I take this matter into..... my own... hands." He glared at the blonde boy intently before all three of them started sprinting off. I watched them until they were completely out of sight, then I locked eyes with him. He was immaculately still, his black eyes gazing into my (c/e) one. We stood, captured into each other's gaze. Without a word, he began to walk off.

"Wait! Professor Snape!" I yelled as I ran to him. He turned, looking down at me, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I could tell he didn't want it to break through. He sighed.

"(Y/n), Call me Severus... Just as long as no one is around, I don't mind." I was in shock, now I let my toothy grin show through. He called me by my first name and just gave me permission to call him by his.

"Are we friends?" I spoke with humor bouncing through my tone. I bumped into his shoulder in a playful manner, just joking around. It's nice to finally be able to talk to him after weeks of just hopeless smiles and quick glances in each others direction.

"I am your teacher." He stood up straight, glaring down at me. His face held a stern expression. My stomach dropped. Oh my, did I just make a complete fool out of myself in front of my Professor? Merlin,   (Y/n)! What are you doing? I think my emotions were spread clear across my face because before Snape walked away, he threw a small smirk in my direction before winking at me. I smiled back and started walking towards my original destination. What is going on in my life right now? Ugh, I internally groaned. I'm gonna be so late, I looked down at my watch and noticed the bracelet William gave me, it was slowly fading back to silver, but I could tell the colour used to be a vibrant Yellow.

'Hmmm, so I guess I make him happy? Interesting...'


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Yasssss. I get so excited to write Snape's reactions!! Tell me if you guys like what I'm doing so far!! I'm trying to capture Severus's youth and bring in a bit more personality to him!! Let me know what ya think!!

Vote, Comment and Follow me pleeasee!!! Thank you so much! I appreciate your reads!! <3

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