Finding A Date

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It's been five days since our little adventure to Diagon Alley, and since my sudden confession to Hermione

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It's been five days since our little adventure to Diagon Alley, and since my sudden confession to Hermione. Though I have noticed that something has been off about Severus. He doesn't steal quick glances towards me anymore. Whenever he passes me down the corridor he keeps his head turned to the ground. Even in potions, he scans across me as if I was a part of the class. Which I am, but he never use to disregard me with such ease before. It hurt a bit. I honestly don't understand why he is acting so strangely. He won't even call out my name during class. Yesterday I was the only person to raise my hand when he had asked a question. He flat out ignored my existence! I'm starting to think maybe he's done stringing me along and getting my hopes up. Which is a good thing, I believe? I don't understand why he bothered me so much. I have to find a way to get his attention.

"(Y/n), stop staring." Hermione bumped into my shoulder. I just then realized I had been goggling at Professor Snape, who was eating his lunch just off to the side, away from the other teachers.

"Sorry," I muttered.

"Look, here comes Harry and Ron. I think he's going to ask you today!" Hermione motioned over to them. That gave me an idea. Perhaps I'll be able to get his attention with a boy. I mean, he was clearly jealous the last time Harry asked me out, maybe I can tug at those feelings again. They sat down across from us.

"Hey, (Y/n). Can I talk to you for a moment." He asked. His blue eyes glistened with anticipation. Great. How can I feel right by using one of my best friends? This isn't fair to him, but I'm desperate.

"Maybe later Harry?" I gave him a sad, half smile as I got up from the bench and quickly started walking to the entrance near Severus.

"Wait!" Harry yelled quite loudly as he grabbed my hand, stopping us directly in front of my dear Professor... I looked at Harry, shocked by how urgent his voice sounded. He had silenced the room. Everyone was staring at us. Including Snape. Perfect.

"I-I. Um, I wanted to know if you would like to attend the Ball with me?" I raise my hands to mouth. Acting as if I was surprised by his offer, mainly amping up the show for the murky eyes staring down at us.

"Are you sure Harry? You could take absolutely anyone you want, you know?" Harry's eyes flickered with enjoyment, he reached for my hand and took it in his own. Damn, I hated that I was toying with my friends feeling. I really thought Severus would have piped in at some point as he had done that day in Potions.

"Well I want you, (Y/n)" A single red rose floated into my hand that Harry held. My heart swarmed with sorrow, but I swallowed my own feelings and let a grin shine through. I didn't know what to say. I didn't expect this at all. No wonder Hermione wanted me to give him a chance. He really liked me and obviously didn't have a problem with showing it. I just stared speechlessly into his shining globes. Then I noticed his brother William walking up behind him, grabbing his shoulder.

"Can we talk?" Will seemed agitated, probably because he had just asked me yesterday and I had told him I planned on going alone. I internally cringed, forgetting about all the guys who had asked me during the span of a week. Most of them just saw this small display of affection. A twist of regret settled into my stomach. I turned on my heels to stay on my path, lifting the flower to my nose, letting it's sweet smell engulf my senses. As I did so I snuck a peek in Professor Snape's direction. He was staring at me. For the first time in days, he was actually acknowledging me! Though I couldn't read the expression he had, I was hoping I had done enough to gain his recognition.


All four of us were sitting at the dining table where we normally sat. We were eating dinner, all of us dreading the dance lessons with Professor McGonagall that would be following. I used my fork, spreading my food around on my plate. I didn't feel much like eating. Potions class today was awful. Severus didn't look at me once, nor did he care about the constant chattering Harry and I did through his entire class. He didn't even scold us once! Though, I actually did have a fun time with Harry. I kept noticing Harry's eyes hovering around me while I was eating, so I looked up and grinned.

"Is there something on my face?" I folded my hands together as I watched his face tint a light pink.

"N-no." He then seemed to be interested in his food for the remainder of dinner. I could see Hermione smirking at the two of us. She probably thought we were hitting it off. I'll have to remember to correct her on that later tonight in our common room.

Before we knew it, all the Gryffindors were separated in a room. One side was girls, the other was lined with the boys. McGonagall set on some music through a record player, using her wand to guide it in place.

"Now, this dance is formal. And you ALL must know the correct steps by tonight! If you fail to do so, you will have to take an extra dance lesson straight after this one. We will not tolerate foolish dancing. With that being said, if you do not master the dance by the end of this lesson, you will have to take another class with Professor Snape. Do I make myself Clear?" A synchronized groan left each one of the students. I assumed his teaching was sopose to be a kind of threat, but it just gave me an oppurtunity. This was it! This is my chance to see why he has been so weird lately. Hermione's head darted in my direction. 'Don't do anything stupid.' She mouthed to me. 'I won't' I shrugged, mouthing back.

"Mr. Weasley! Would you care to demonstrate?" I heard our Professor's voice calling Ron to the dance floor. I immediately raise my hands to cover my mouth, stifling a laugh. Hermione and I looked at each other the exact same time and began to laugh hysterically.

"Alright, everyone find a partner and follow along!" Not moment's after Professor McGonagall spoke, Harry was by my side.

"Alright let's do this." I smiled as he placed his hand on my waist.

" I smiled as he placed his hand on my waist

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