Professor Snape

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We were all sitting at the dining hall, the first years just got sorted into their houses and dinner had just appeared across all of the tables

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We were all sitting at the dining hall, the first years just got sorted into their houses and dinner had just appeared across all of the tables. A loud thundering clap took all of our attention back to the front of the room. I was sitting on the edge of the Gryffindor table, close to the teachers and the wall. Professor Dumbledore took pride in the settling of the room as he opened his mouth to speak.

"As you all know! Professor Slughorn has retired! We bid him a well deserved retirement. However! We have a new teacher, here at Hogwarts. Professor Snape. He will be taking over Mr. Slughorn's position as Potions master AND head of the Slytherin house. I will take note that you all give him a warm welcome to Hogwarts." A small round of applause erupted into the room as Dumbledore gestured to a dark figure that was standing at the end of the Professors dining table. He was parallel to me.

He was tall, I could tell even from the distance I was at now. His hair was a dark midnight black, I couldn't make out his features from where I was, but he was definitely the kind of man to stand out in a room. For a moment, I thought maybe he had caught my gaze, but I ignored it. Shaking my thoughts as I began finishing my plate of food that sat before me.

Later that night in the common room I noticed William surrounded by a group of friends on one of the couches. His eyes caught mine and I sent him a bit of a smile.

"Hey William, I wanted to thank you for the gift you gave me earlier today. That was very thoughtful of you." He didn't reply back to me. Instead, he just stared in awe, surprised I even acknowledge him at all. The rest of his friends stayed quiet as well, just gawking at me. I decided to give the little squirt a boost of confidence and leaned down to peck his cheek. When I pulled away his face was as red as a cherry and all the boys started freaking out with "Oh my god" and " She just kissed you!!" It was absolutely adorable. I walked away heading to the girl's dormitories and noticed Hermione grinning at me.

"Did you know you are the sweetest?" She asked hooking her arm into my own.

"I try" I smiled as we made our way to bed.


Well, so far I have made it through my first day as a seventh year! Just one more class, Advanced potions with that new Professor. Hopefully, he's just as nice as Professor Slughorn. In my previous years I loved potions, it was my favorite subject besides DADA. I was one of the lucky ones to be at the top of the class. Often, I would go to the Professors gatherings he held for his students. His retirement just finally sunk in, I was really going to miss him.

I walked into the class making my way to my usual front seat. I like to pay attention in class and whenever I sit in the back I tend to get distracted. I looked to my left to see Harry had sat beside me. He was the only other Gryffindor that took advanced Potions in the late class, so it seemed fitting that we sat next to each other. I heard a loud thud from the door shutting, then the bustling and soft talking died down almost immediately. Not even a whole day in, and this new teacher had a bad rap going around the entire school! It didn't seem like the students liked him to much. A black cloaked man walked in at fast-paced practically floating to the front of the room. Stopping right in front of mine and Harry's table, I took in his features, he was so young. His midnight hair rested against his shoulder as his black orbs scanned the room silently. His face was as perfect as porcelain and just as pale too. He was slender, and like I noticed yesterday he was tall. His eyes flicked to mine before scanning the room again.

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