In Another Time - V-day Special (Part 2)

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Itachi had ran into the hospital room worried sick about his baby brother. But he walked to find Sasuke kissing a blondie he had never seen in his life.

"Sa-Sasuke?" He stuttered, looking at the red-faced blond who lowered his head in embarrassement.

"Ah, Aniki," the younger raven chuckled at Naruto's shyness. He almost forgot how awkward Naruto was in front of Itachi during the early stages of their relationship, forgetting he was even more shy. "This is Uzumaki Naruto, he's my boyfriend." He introduced him so seamlessly.

"Bo-boyfriend..." Naruto muttered under his breath, he knew Iruka thought the same thing since he saw them make out and obviously that was the most logical answer.

"Since when?" Itachi wondered.

"Some time in December." Sasuke answered with a shrug. "I didn't know how to tell you at the time,"

"Our parents don't know, do they?" The Uchiha doctor replied with another question. They couldn't have possibly known since he knew exactly how homophobic they were.

"Doesn't matter to me whether they find out or not." Sasuke didn't forget what awful human beings they were to him.

Iruka had tried keeping the couple as busy as possible but that didn't last long. The woman walked in with her fake tears on full display.

Before she held him she noticed Naruto try to move away his hand but Sasuke so clearly held him.
"Sasuke, honey, let go of the boy..."

"I can hold my boyfriend if I-..." Sasuke felt the throbbing on his cheek.

Itachi's eyes widened, how many times had his brother told him their parents were shitty but he brushed it off.
"What is wrong with you?!" He pushed her away. "He's sick!"

"Clearly!" She disgustingly looked at the blond. "Who else but a sick person could even behave in such a way?"

"There's nothing wrong with Sasuke dating him or any other guy for that matter," Itachi stood for his little brother.

Naruto wished the earth would open up and swallow him whole. Their yelling voices amplified while all other noises were reduced to nothing. He could feel the violent thumps of his heart, the acid air filling his lungs with every breath. The racy thoughts filling his mind, telling him to simply walk away. His body shook, ground lurched under his feet, but as much as he wanted to leave, Sasuke's touch was begging him to stay. He turned to look at his 'boyfriend', eyes widening as he got a tissue placing it on Sasuke's cut cheek.

"You're bleeding," he tried to keep pressure until the blood clots.

"Get your filthy hands off of him!!" Her Loud voice was audible from the hallway. She reached to forcefully separate them.

Whilst Sasuke moved Naruto to shield him from her, Itachi stopped her hand. "Leave," he threatened in a low voice. "Leave now or I'm calling security,"

"You can't possibly be siding with this kind of b-..."

"I'm gay," he cut her off, "if you have an issue with either of us dating guys it's best you leave." He crossed his arms. Itachi wished his baby brother gave him an early heads up. But he'll be damned if he didn't stand by his brother's side.

She laughed not believing him, choosing to believe he only said that to spite her. "You're not-..."

Itachi annoyingly interrupted her. "You can't tell me who I am or I'm not," he pointed to the door in a silent order for her to leave.

She walked out muttering how disgusted she was. Itachi's eyes welled with tears but he didn't allow them to crash down his cheeks. It's true they were never able to replace his real parents but he still considered them family. He still cared for them.

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