59. Self-Evaluation

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Sasuke greeted Naruto with a kiss on the cheek once he returned from school.
"Did you miss me?"
He hugged the blond from behind.

"Always, Teme" Naruto smiled and leaned his head back to be able to kiss Sasuke.

He smiled into the soft kiss. The raven seemed to be in a good mood too. "How was school?" Naruto felt compelled to ask.

"We started a cult...two actually and they're fighting"

"Wait what?"

"Uhm so my fan club and your fanclub gave birth to one that ships us together which is kinda nice not gonna lie." Sasuke blushed "but now they split in to two because of who's top and who's bottom in our relationship."

"They need hobbies" Naruto chuckled "they realize it doesn't matter right?"

"That's what I said..." Sasuke continued blushing.

"Oh please I bet you had them believe you're the dominant one in this relationship." The blond guessed correctly right away.

"I did not!" The raven acted hurt.

"Baby you're so jealous you'd do anything to have the non-existing competition away from me. I wonder how they'd feel once they know your amazing one minute record."
He smirked as Sasuke's face turned red.

"Why do you always bring up my-..."

"It's my way of deflating your ego and it's also fun." Naruto said innocently enough.
"Besides how can you be a seme when your name is literally Sas-UKE"

"I hate you" the raven pouted cutely and walked away to the kitchen. Sai might have known what he was talking about...Naruto could have told him. That's what Sasuke thought.

He stomped away to the bedroom like a kid and changed to something more comfortable. He was muttering under his breath how stupid Naruto was for always bursting his joyous bubble.

Naruto had gotten up sad to have heard those painful three words. He walked to the bedroom and hugged his fiancé. "You know I was joking right? Seme or Uke those words don't mean much. What we do in bed is no one's business but our own. And when we decide that you top; I enjoy it. All of it." He kissed Sasuke's shoulder.

"Hn, Usuratonkachi

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"Hn, Usuratonkachi." Sasuke basically spoke in his hands.

He expected the mean comment to follow shortly after but Naruto just kept hugging him from behind.
"I'm sorry dattebayo?"

Sasuke wondered for a second what this was about but then he thought it was his 'I hate you' that upset his lover. "I don't hate you, you know that? I could never!" The raven turned around and was shocked to see Naruto crying. "Naru, I didn't mean it...I swear-..."

But the blond just hugged him again and sobbed.
"It sounded different this time."

"It did?" He asked and Naruto just nodded not pulling away. Sasuke felt bad for having made Naruto cry. "Sorry, I might have gotten a bit too angry there." He rubbed the teen's back. "Promise I didn't mean it." He pulled and wiped away Naruto's tears gently with his thumbs. He cupped the blond's face and kissed him.

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