18. Brothers

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After a couple of weeks, they could all leave together. Naruto was all over his brother. Holding his hand and tending to him as if he was a little kid.

Kurama stopped looking at the fancy car "since when did we own an expensive car?"

"Naruto's curse" Iruka informed and Kurama seemed to understand. His brother opened the passenger seat for him as their mother went to his husband's car.

"Naruto, I can do these things myself. You need to take it easy" he kissed his brother's forehead. "You're still the same" he smiled, happy to know that his brother was unchanged.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Naruto blushed.

"Nothing," the redhead chuckled as he got inside and buckled up. Naruto walked to the driver's seat after he put the wheelchair away and did the same. He started the car. "Don't crash us" he smirked

"Ha ha very funny" Naruto pouted "you're lucky we're blood related"

"Says the Saint" he tousled his hair as they drove off.

Sasuke received a text.
"Looks like Naruto had already found himself someone else"
It was followed with pictures of him with a redhead in some sort of parking lot.

The raven felt like an idiot, he's been waiting for Naruto to just show up. He hadn't seen him since that day they kissed. He hadn't even seen Naruto on the final exam week.

His pride didn't let him ask about his blond since Neji had been mean to him so much.

But what "T" was saying had to be true then, since Naruto was ignoring him. Sasuke cried silently seeing how happy Naruto was with someone else.
And the words that the blond told him all of a sudden evaporated into nothingness.

And just like that he withdrew himself again. He hated that he opened up even a little bit to someone else.
Itachi had figured something happened with the blond but his brother neither confirmed nor denied it.

At home, Naruto spent all his time with Kurama. And because he wasn't used to having a phone he really forgot he had one now.

Due to his condition, he took his exams during the break. It wasn't until his first senior year school day day; seeing Sasuke absent that it all hit him.

He felt guilty for ghosting the teen like that for almost a month. Must have hurt his feelings for sure. "Naruto?" Neji's voice burst his thinking bubble "I...heard you weren't feeling well. So I..I just wanted to apologize. If I didn't put Hinata in danger, you both would have been fine" he bowed "I'm sorry"

Naruto had never seen a more sincere apology come from the Hyūga "ha...apology accepted"

"Naruto, are you ready?"

"Shika" the blond stood up "I don't mean to stand you up but...I haven't seen Sasuke for a month...and I thought I'd go now. I'm worried"

"It's not the first time I go without you so that's fine" he walked with him.

Behind they left Neji and his gang wondering what they do every single day. Neji had almost forgotten that he started the vandalizing rumours three years ago and had started believing them. Whereas Sai, didn't give him a single clue as to what was happening.

"You can take the car, it'll be easier to carry everything"

"I can manage, just go" Shikamaru waved him off. "Just go see your boyfriend"

"You're the best Shikamaru" Naruto smiled and got in his car driving to Sasuke's place.

A thirty minute drive down the other side of town and that's where he parked his car. Out his bedroom window Sasuke could see the bronze car. He got out his room.
"I don't want any visitors" he told his nurse before going back in.

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